

单词 presence
释义 pres·ence /ˈprezəns/ n. | phr.
1. 出席,在场;存在
Your presence is requested. 敬请光临。
She was so quiet that her presence has hardly been noticed. 她一声不响,几乎没有人注意她在场。
He made grunting sounds to underline his listening presence. 他发出嗯嗯的声音,表示他确实在听。
2. (某人的)所在地方,周围,面前
There's a spy in our presence. 我们身边有个密探。
be admitted to (banished from) sb.'s presence 被允许来到某人面前(被从某人身边赶走)
3. [the presence]主英进见,谒见;(君王的)御前
enter the royal presence 趋前觐君
The secretary informed me that I was summoned to the presence. 秘书通知我,要召见我了。
4. 仪表,仪态;风度;气质
have a tremendous physical presence 仪表堂堂
She certainly had presence. 她确实仪态不凡。
He was tall, with great presence. 他身材高大,气宇轩昂。
He has a certain presence that makes women fall in love with him. 他有某种使女子倾心的气质。
5. (演员的)表演风度;(尤指演员等舞台风度的)潇洒,洒脱
The speaker has a good deal of stage presence. 这位演讲者颇具台风。
6. (某国在国外的)政治(或军事、经济)势力
maintain a strong air presence in Asia 在亚洲保持强大的空军力量
the Japanese presence in the U.S. market 日本货在美国市场上的势力
7. 感觉(或信念)中的存在物;鬼魂,神灵
a mysterious winged presence, felt rather than seen 感觉中而非目睹的一种神秘有翼怪物
The woman felt a presence with her in the old house. 这女人觉得在旧房子里有鬼跟着她。
8. (录音的)现场感,即席感
9. 在场人物;杰出人物;一群在场人物
a presence behind the scenes 幕后人物
For three decades he was a highly visible presence at international conferences. 30年以来他经常活跃在国际会议上。
10. 可见物体,有形物体
The radar reported a presence. 雷达报告发现一个物体。
11. = presence chamber
[OFr < L praesentia a being before < praeesse to be before; 见 PRESENT¹]
phr. in the presence of 在…的面前
in the presence of danger 在危险面前
You should remove your hat in the presence of ladies. 在女性面前你应该脱帽。
Now he is in the presence of his Maker. 如今他见上帝去了。
She ordered the car in the presence of the sales manager. 她当面向销售经理订购了那辆汽车。
in this ... presence 在此…者面前,当着这位…的人
make one's presence felt 设法引起他人注重自己,设法不使自己受到冷落
presence of mind 镇定自若,遇事不慌
She answered these embarrassing questions with presence of mind. 她镇定自若地回答这些令人为难的问题。
saving your presence 恕我冒昧
He said to the lawyer, “Saving your presence, I think most lawyers are sharpers.” 他对律师说:“恕我冒昧,我认为大多数律师都是骗子。”




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