

单词 beauty
释义 beau·ty /ˈbjuːtɪ/ n. | a. | phr.
I n.
1. 美,美丽,优美;美貌
a city of beauty 美丽的城市
the beauty of a sonata 奏鸣曲的优美
the beauty of a mother's love 母爱之美
Her beauty equals her intelligence. 她既姣美又聪明。
a woman going through her beauty routine 正作日常美容化妆的女人
2. 美人;美的东西;美点,妙处
an acknowledged beauty of the screen 大众公认的银幕美人
His specialty was making tables. He made a beauty for the general. 他的拿手活是做桌子,曾为那位将军做了一张非常漂亮的。
In the last few seconds he got in a beauty on the champion's nose. 在最后几秒钟里,他使出漂亮的绝招,一拳打中冠军的鼻子。
That's the beauty of it. 妙处就在这里。
One of the beauties of the medicine is the absence of aftereffects. 这种药的优点之一是没有副作用。
a collection of Shakespeare's beauties 莎士比亚佳句妙语集
3. [常作反语]绝妙的东西(或人);典型的一例
The mistake was a beauty. 这错误可真妙啊。
You're a beauty, aren't you, staying out until this time of night? 你可真是个好小子,在外头呆到晚上这时候才回来!
4. 美夸克

II a.
[ME beaute < OFr belte < L bellus fine, handsome]
phr. Beauty and chastity (honesty) seldom agree. 美人多风流(多欺诈)
Beauty and the Beast 美女与野兽(据欧洲民间传说美女为救父同意嫁野兽,野兽因美女的爱情而摆脱魔法束缚,重新变成英俊的王子与美女结婚)
Beauty fades like a flower. 红颜易逝。
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 见 beholder
Beauty is only (或but) skin deep. 美貌不过一张皮。(指不可以貌取人)




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