

单词 precipitate
释义 pre·cip·i·tate /prɪˈsɪpɪtɪt,-teɪt/ vt. | vi. | a. | n.
I /prɪˈsɪpɪteɪt/

1. (突如其来地)使发生,促成;促使…加快
His failure in stock speculation precipitated his ruin. 证券投机的失败使他一下子破了产。
Her remark precipitated my decision. 她的话促使我作出决定。
precipitate an economic crisis 加速经济危机
2. 使陡然下降(或下落);猛然投下
The bridge broke and precipitated five cars into the gulf below. 桥断了,5辆汽车栽进桥下的深渊。
3. 使猛力投入;使突然处于 (into)
He precipitated himself into the fight. 他奋力投入搏斗。
The company was precipitated into ruin when the exchange rate dropped. 汇率下跌时,公司一下子破了产。
She put up her hair and suddenly she was precipitated into maturity. 她把头发束起,一下子就变得像大人了。
4. 使沉淀,使(物质)淀析;使(粉尘等)沉降
Water precipitates camphor from its alcoholic solution. 水能把樟脑从其酒精溶液中淀析出来。
5. 使(水汽等)凝结成雨(或露、雪等)
An ice-filled glass precipitates moisture from the air. 装满冰的玻璃杯能使空气中的水汽凝结成水滴。
6. 使成形,使显形
1. 沉淀,淀析
2. (水汽等)凝结(成雨、露、雪等)
Clouds usually precipitate as rain or snow. 云常会凝结成雨或雪。
3. 陡然下降(或下落);被猛然投下
4. 贸然行事,轻举妄动
5. 突然陷入,沉沦 (into)
precipitate into the depth of adversity 沉入苦海
6. 成形,显形

II a.
1. 突如其来的,突然的
a precipitate event 突发事件
launch a precipitate attack 发起突然袭击
2. 陡然下降(或下落)的;陡峭的
a precipitate decline of the dollar 美元的猛跌
a precipitate cliff 悬崖峭壁
3. 急促的;猛力向前的
a precipitate retreat 急速撤退
the precipitate course of a river 水流湍急的河道
4. 贸然的,轻率的
a precipitate decision 贸然的决定
The king was too precipitate in declaring war. 国王在宣战一事上过于轻率。

III n.
1. 沉淀物
A white precipitate gathered at the bottom of the bottle. 瓶底积起了一层白色沉淀。
2. 凝结物(如雨、露、雪等)
3. (过程或行为的)结果
Inductive generalizations are the precipitate of past experience. 归纳概括出来的东西是以往经验的结晶。
[< L praecipitāre to throw down headlong < praeceps headlong, steep < PRE- + caput head]




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