释义 |
pre·cau·tion /prɪˈkɔːʃən/ n. | vt. I n. 1. 预防,防备;警惕 He was warned of the need for precaution. 别人提醒他必须注意防备。 2. 预防措施,防备办法 fire precautions 防火措施 take all the precautions against accident 采取一切措施预防意外事故 lock the house as a precaution (against thieves) 把屋子锁上以防万一(以防窃贼) take the precaution of swallowing two sea sickness tablets 吞两片晕船药以预防不适 3. [precautions] 〈口〉避孕措施,节育手段
II vt. 告诫(某人)防备,促使(某人)提防 [Fr < LL praecautiō < PRE- + CAUTION] |