释义 |
prat·tle /ˈprætl/ vi. | vt. | n. I ❶ vi. 1. 闲扯,胡扯 prattle with one's neighbour 跟邻居闲扯 The girls prattled on about their clothes. 姑娘们漫无边际地谈论着自己的衣着。 2. (小孩般)咿咿呀呀说话,叽里咕噜说话 3. 发出咿咿呀呀(或叽里咕噜等)的声音 the prattling of leaves 树叶的窸窣声 The water prattled over the rocks. 水潺潺地流过石块。 ❷ vt. (小孩般)天真无邪地说;信口开河地说 prattle a secret to unfriendly ears 随口把秘密告诉不友好的人 I wish you'd stop prattling scandal about your neighbours! 我希望你不要再随便乱讲你邻居的坏话!
II n. 1. 闲扯,胡扯 2. (小孩般)咿咿呀呀的话,叽里咕噜的话 We are charmed with the pretty prattle of children. 孩子们动听的咿呀语声真使我们快活。 3. 咿咿呀呀(或叽里咕噜等)的声音(如流水潺潺、树叶窸窣等) [< MLG pratelen to chatter; 与 MD praten to prate 有关] |