释义 |
pow·der /ˈpaʊdə(r)/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 粉;粉末 ice cream powder 冰淇淋粉 Their bones turn to powder. 它们的骨头变成了粉末。 2. 化妆用粉 bath powder (浴后搽的)爽身粉 She put on some lipstick and dusted her face with powder. 她涂了些口红,又往脸上擦了些粉。 3. 【医】药粉,粉剂,散剂;一剂药粉 headache powder 止头痛药粉 digestive powder 助消化药粉 The doctor gave me some powders to take. 医生给了我几包药粉服用。 4. = powder snow 5. 火药;炸药 6. 推动力;爆炸力 The postponement added powder to the issue. 延期使这个问题更激化了。 7. 〈美俚〉喝烈性酒 knock over a powder with sb. 与某人喝上一盅 8. 〈美俚〉逃跑 He murdered a constable during the powder. 他在逃跑时杀死了一名警察。 9. 〈废〉〈英方〉猛冲
II ❶ vt. 1. 使成粉末 2. 撒粉状物于;以粉状物覆盖 (with) She powdered the cookies with confectioners' sugar. 她往小饼上撒糖霜。 A snow fell, heavily powdering the trees with a blanket of white. 下了一场雪,给树木披上了厚厚的银装。 3. 往…上搽粉 She powdered the baby after its bath. 她给婴儿洗澡后搽上粉。 She lightly powdered her face. 她往脸上稍稍抹了些粉。 4. 以点状物装饰;点缀 a dress lightly powdered with sequins 稀匀地缀着闪亮的金属小圆片的连衣裙 Englishmen in the sixteenth-century were prone to powder their talk with French and Latin words. 16世纪的英国人说话时常爱夹一些法语和拉丁词。 5. 〈美俚〉【棒】重击(投出的球等) ❷ vi. 1. 变成粉末 Two skeletons powdered upon exposure. 两具尸骨一出土即化为粉末。 2. 搽粉 This girl is not old enough to paint and powder. 这女孩还没有到涂脂抹粉的年纪。 3. 〈美俚〉逃跑,匆匆离去 powder out of town 逃出城 4. 〈英口〉赶紧;〈英方〉猛冲 [< OFr poldre < L pulvis dust] phr. foolish powder 〈美俚〉海洛因 keep one's powder dry 作好行动准备,时刻准备着 not worth (the) powder and shot 不值得花费弹药的;不值得为之努力的 Going all the way to town to look for him is just not worth the powder and shot. 打老远进城去找他未免太不值得了。 powder one's nose 见 nose smell of powder 战斗经历 I know the smell of powder. 我上过硝烟弥漫的战场。 take a (runout) powder 〈美口〉匆忙离去;逃跑;消失 All the gang had taken a powder when cops arrived. 警察赶到时,那一帮人都已逃之夭夭。 |