释义 |
beast·ly /ˈbiːstlɪ/ a. | ad. I a. 1. 野兽的;野兽般的;野蛮的;贪欲的;污浊肮脏的,不适于人用的 the beastly behaviour of the aggressors 侵略者的残暴行为 2. [有时仅作语气助词]〈口〉令人厌憎的,极糟的,可恶的 I have a beastly headache. 我头疼得要死。 What beastly weather! 多么糟糕的天气! The second item was of equally beastly complexity. 第二项同样复杂得要命。
II ad. 〈口〉非常,极;令人厌憎地 It's beastly cold out. 外面冷得不得了。 be beastly drunk 烂醉如泥 Don't be so beastly inquisitive. 别这么寻根究底叫人讨厌。