释义 |
po·si·tion /pəˈzɪʃən/ n. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 位置;方位;地点 the position of the heart 心脏的位置 Can you find the position of our city on the map? 你能找出我们这座城市在地图上的方位吗? The house is in a beautiful position. 那幢房子坐落在一个美丽的地方。 2. (人或事物或其各部位的)位置安排,安置方式;(身体的)姿势 the position of two dancers 两名舞者的相对位置 He lay in an uncomfortable position. 他那样躺法很不舒服。 The corpse was found in a sitting position. 尸体被发现时的姿势是坐着的。 3. 恰当(或习惯、有利)位置;【军】【棋】阵地 Each soldier got into position to defend the airfield. 士兵们各就各位,保卫机场。 4. 地位;身份;职位 a man of position 有地位的人 If the President can stop the war, his domestic position will be enormously strengthened. 如果总统能结束战争,他在国内的地位将大大加强。 people in positions of power 权贵们 When you played football, what position did you play? 你踢足球的时候踢什么位置? This position can best be filled by a college-trained man. 这一职位最好由受过大学教育的男士担任。 He's got a good position with a local bank. 他在当地一家银行里谋到了一件好差使。 5. 处境,状况;【经】财务状况,头寸 Her careless remark put her husband in an embarrassing position. 她说话不注意,把她丈夫弄得非常尴尬。 We are in a position where we may lose a large sum of money. 我们目前的处境使我们可能损失一大笔钱。 That is difficult for a person in my position. 那样做对于处在我这种地位的人来说是困难的。 6. 态度,立场 take a radical position on an issue 对一个问题抱激进态度 The union may shift its position on the question. 工会可能会改变在这一问题上的立场。 7. 【语】(希腊与拉丁韵律学中的)短元音的长音量位置 make position (拉丁语中X等辅音)使前置短元音增长 8. 【音】和弦位置;(演奏乐器时的)把位 9. 【逻】假设,假定,设想
II vt. 1. 安放,放置;安置 He positioned the lamp in the middle of the table. 他把灯放在桌子中央。 Please position the chairs for the committee meeting. 请把椅子摆好,准备委员们开会。 The President has positioned himself firmly at the nation's helm. 总统已牢牢执掌了国家大权。 2. 确定…的位置,找到…的位置 Can you position them? 你能找到他们在哪里吗? 3. 驻扎(军队) position troops 驻军 4. 为(产品)打开销路,把(产品)打进市场 5. 把某人看作(或描述)为特定的人 [< L L positiō a positioning, affirmation < pōnere to set place, lay down] phr. be in a position to do sth. (由于客观或主观条件)可 (能)做某事 He is in a position to marry. 他有条件结婚。be in no position to do sth. (由于客观或主观条件)不可 (能)做某事 When he was a boy, he was in no position to take his revenge. 当他还是个孩童时,他无法报仇。in position 在适当的位置 The players are in position. 球员们各就各位。The telescope is in position for use. 望远镜已架好可以使用了。manoeuvre (或 jockey) for position 运用手段谋取有利位置 (或地位) out of position 在不适当的位置上 One of the chairs is out of position. 有一把椅子放得不是地方。put oneself in sb.'s (或 sb. else's) position 设身处地为某人想一想 turn the position of an army 包抄一支军队 |