por·tent /ˈpɔːtent,ˈpəʊ-/ n. 1. 凶兆,不祥之兆 a portent of further trouble 还会发生问题的不祥之兆 2. 迹象,征兆 This year's harvest will be a good one. The portents are excellent. 今年将是个好年成。种种迹象都非常好。 a hopeful portent 令人鼓舞的征兆 an occurrence of dire portent 一件具有不祥征兆的事件 3. 奇才;奇事;奇物;奇观 He is a brilliant portent. 他是个奇才。 [< L portentum sign, omen < portendere to portend]