pond /pɒnd/ n. | vt. | vi.I n. 1. 池塘;〈英〉人工水池,水库 an ornamental pond in the garden 花园里的装饰水池 2. 〈谑〉海洋;〈口〉大西洋 sail across the pond 横渡大洋 II ❶ vt. 1. 拦截,堵塞(back,up) The mass of ice choked up the mouth of the stream and ponded back the water. 冰块壅塞溪口,截断了溪流。 2. 堵河成(湖);筑坝造(湖) The lake was possibly ponded by lavas. 这个湖可能是熔岩堵塞河道形成的。 ❷ vi. 形成池塘;筑成水池 [< ME ponde artificially confined body of water <pounde enclosure]