

单词 be
释义 be /强biː,弱bɪ/ vi. | v.aux. | phr. (现在式 am /æm/, are /ɑː(r)/, is /ɪz/art /ɑːt/;过去式 was /wɒz/, were /wɜː(r)/wast /wɒst/ 或 wert /wɜːt/;过去分词 been /biːn/;现在分词 be·ing)

1. 是;就是
He is ill. 他病了。
You are the man I want. 你就是我要找的人。
He is an honest man, is Sam. 萨姆确实是个诚实的人。
I am a good boy, ain't I? 我是个好男孩,不是吗?
That being the case, we had better go at once. 情况既然如此,我们最好立刻就去。
2. 表示;意味着;象征;代表
A is excellent; C is passing. A 表示优;C表示及格。
Summer is everything good to eat. 夏季意味着各种各样可口的东西。
It is nothing to me. 这对我说来无关紧要。
The war was a bad time. 那场战争叫人日子难过。
Her face is innocence. 她的脸容是天真无邪的象征。
The consortium is 50,000 people, 1,250,000 square metres of factories. 这个国际财团代表着5万名员工和面积达125万平方米的工厂。
3. 等于;值
Twice two is four. 2乘2等于4。
That coat is 50 dollars. 那件上衣价值50元。
What are potatoes today? 今天马铃薯的行情如何?
4. 成为;变成
I want to be a doctor. 我要当医生。
Suddenly her face was scarlet. 她的脸色突然变得绯红。
5. [用于祈使句]要,得
Be quiet! 安静些!
Don't be silly! 别犯傻!
The both of you be careful! 你们俩都得小心!
6. 扮演
Olivier is Hamlet tonight. 今晚由奥利维尔扮哈姆雷特。
7. [表示供职、隶属关系]
I am not Scotland Yard. 我不是伦敦警察厅的。
Osborn Elliott was Newsweek. 奥斯本·埃利奥特曾是《新闻周刊》的编辑。
8. [表示制成材料]
The handbag is crocodile. 这个手提包是鳄鱼皮制的。
Most streets were cobble-stone. 多数街道是用圆卵石铺成的。
9. 在;存在;生存
Where is the book? 书在哪里?
This is not to say whatever is is right. 这并不是说凡是存在的事物就都是对的。
Can such things be? 可能有这样的事吗?
The time had been when he could do the work of two. 曾经有过一个时期他一人能顶两人的工作。
a hotel named after a girl who never was 一家以并无其人的女子的名字命名的旅馆
to be or not to be 活下去还是不活下去
Once upon a time there was a king. 从前有一个国王。
He is no more. 他死了。
10. 逗留,呆;持续
I won't be a minute. 我至多走开一分钟(就回来)
We were a week working out a plan. 我们花了一星期时间制订计划。
11. 举行;发生
The examination will be in a week. 考试将在一星期后举行。
The meeting's already been. 会已开过。
12. 感到
He is better today. 今天他感到好一些。
13. 从事
What is he about? 他在干什么?
What trade is he? 他是干哪一行的?
14. 持某种见解
I am for (against) capital punishment. 我主张保留 (废除) 死刑。
15. [用于完成时]来;去
Has anyone been? 有人来过吗?
He has been to Paris. 他去过巴黎。
He has been on many voyages. 他曾多次航海。
Mice have been at the food. 老鼠咬过这食物了。
I have been to see my aunt. 我去看过姑母。
16. 降到头上;属(于)
Woe is me! 我真不幸呀!
May good fortune be with you. 祝你交好运。
1. [与动词的现在分词连用,构成各种进行时态]
He is reading. 他正在看书。
I am leaving next week. 我准备下星期动身。
He is being a fool. 他这会儿行为像个傻瓜。(或:他正大出洋相。)
I'll be seeing you. 不久再见。
I have been sleeping. 我一直在睡觉。
2. [与及物动词的过去分词连用,构成被动语态]
English is spoken here. 这里讲英语。
The letter was written yesterday. 这封信是昨天写的。
The house is being built. 房子在建造中。
Oh, am I confused! 哎呀,真把我搞糊涂了!
3. [后接动词不定式,表示安排、命令、职责、义务、目的、用途、可能性、命中注定等]
We are to meet at the school gate. 我们约定在校门口碰头。
You are to be back by 10 o'clock. 你得在10点钟前回来。
When am I to come? 我该什么时候来?
I am to inform you that ... 我谨通知你…
The prize is to honour him for his great discoveries. 奖品意在表彰他的重大发现。
A knife is to cut with. 刀是用来切割的。
The account of the event is to be found in today's papers. 关于这一事件的报道可在今天的报上找到。
They were never to meet again. 他们注定以后永远不再会面。
4. [与不及物动词 come,go,fall,flee,grow 等的过去分词连用,构成完成时]
Babylon is fallen. 巴比伦王国已湮灭。
The sun is set. 太阳已经下山。
5. [用于虚拟语气]
If I were (或 was) to do that (或 Were I to do that), what would you say? 假如我那样做,你会怎么说?
Be he friend or enemy, the law regards him as a criminal. 不管他是朋友还是敌人,根据法律他是个罪犯。
[< ME been < OE bēon]
phr. be gone 见 gone
be it so = so be it
be off滚开;离去
I'm off now. 我现在就走。
be that as it may 即使如此,尽管那样
far be it from 见 far
have been (and gone) and [表示惊讶或恼火] 竟然
I've been and killed him. 我竟把他杀了。
You've been and moved my papers! 你竟然动了我的文件!
let be 1. 由…去,不打扰…;听任…继续下去
let it be 让它去
At last she stopped searching for words and let silence be. 她终于不再无话找话,干脆一声不吭算了。
2. 由它去
let it be so = so be it
Miss X that was娘家姓X的女士
so be it 就那样吧
If you do not wish my friendship, so be it. 要是你不愿和我交朋友,那就算了。




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