释义 |
plum·met /ˈplʌmɪt/ n. | vi. I n. 1. = plumb bob 2. (钓鱼时测量水深的)测深锤,铅坠 3. 〈喻〉重压物;压抑物 Ignorance itself is a plummet o'er me. 无知本身压得我好沉。
II vi. 1. 快速落下;陡直掉下 The explosion sent the aircraft plummeting towards the sea. 爆炸后飞机一头栽向大海。 2. (价格、水平等)骤然下跌,陡然变差 Market prices plummeted. 行市暴跌。 His popularity has plummeted. 他的名望骤降。 Most of the industrial world plummeted into a deep recession. 大多数工业国一下子陷入了严重的衰退。 [<OF plommet ball of lead < plomb lead² < PLUMBUM] |