

单词 please
释义 please /pliːz/ vt. | vi. | ad. | phr.
I vt.
1. 使高兴,使喜欢;使满意
It pleases me that he should want to talk about his work. 他想要谈谈自己的工作,对此我很高兴。
You are a difficult man to please. 你这个人真难讨好。
This book will please you. 这本书你会满意的。
please the eye 悦目
2. 合…的心意,是…的意愿
It pleased him to remain. 留下来正合他的心意。
May it please the court to show mercy. 但愿法庭会给予宽大。
3. 乐于,喜欢
1. 令人高兴,讨人喜欢;使人满意
He is always anxious to please. 他老是极力想讨好人。
Such a fine meal cannot fail to please. 这样一顿好饭菜不能不使人满意。
2. 愿意;喜欢;认为合适
I shall do as I please. 我愿意怎么做就怎么做。
Take as many as you please. 你要多少就拿多少。
Choose which you please. 选你中意的好了。
You can do what you please. 你喜欢干啥就干啥。
He was free to marry whom he pleased. 他有自由和他所中意的人结婚。
3. 敬请
Will you please to come at once. 敬请即刻前来。
Please to mount the steps. 请上台阶。

II ad.
1. [表示有礼貌地请求对方]请;烦劳
Follow me, please. 请跟我来。
Please don't forget the key. 请别忘了带钥匙。
You will please leave the room. 请你离开房间。
Will you please move to one side? 请站到一边去好吗?
Those in favour of the suggestion please sign your names. 赞成这个建议的人请签名。
Please give me that book. (或 Give me that book, please.) 烦劳你把那本书给我。
2. [表示礼貌地征求对方意见]请问;好吗,行吗
May I please explain my reasons? 请问我可以讲讲我的理由吗?
Can you go now, please? 请你现在走,好吗?
Hello. Could I speak to Mr. Li, please? 喂! 我找李先生听电话行吗?
3. [表示客气地接受对方的东西或邀请]行;谢谢
A: Will you have some more pudding? B: Please. (或 Yes, please.) 甲: 再吃点布丁好吗? 乙:好,谢谢。
4. [表示要求对方停止或不做某事]请别,请不必
Oh please, Mom. That's enough. 哎呀,妈,你行行好,够啦!
A: I'll pay you back, of course. B: Mr. Smith, please! You're a guest in our home. 甲:我当然要把钱付还给你的。乙:不用啦,史密斯先生。你是我们家的客人呀。
5. [表示要求对方注意]请听我说;对不起
Please miss, why is that wrong? You've marked it wrong. 听我说,小姐,那为什么错了呢? 是你自己打错了记号。
Please, sir, I don't understand. 对不起,先生,我不懂。
[< OFr plaisir < L placēre to please, satisfy]
phr. if you please 1. [表示客气、礼貌]烦请;如果你愿意(或许可)的话
Come this way, if you please. 这边走,请。
I will take another cup, if you please. 可以的话,请给我再来一杯。
2. [表示强调或要求注意]请听我说;对不起
If you please, Dr. Marlowe, a word with you. 对不起,马洛医生,想跟你说句话。
3. [表示惊奇、气愤或难以置信]真怪;竟然
The missing letter was in his pocket,if you please! 你说怪不怪,那封遗失的信竟在他的口袋里!
please God 见 God
please oneself 1. 使自己满意
2. 愿意怎样就怎样
Please yourself. 随你的便。
please the pigs 见 pig¹




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