

单词 play
释义 play /pleɪ/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 玩,玩耍;游戏,娱乐;玩笑
The children are at play. 孩子们在玩。
All work and no play isn't a good thing. 只工作不娱乐是不好的。
2. (体育等的)比赛;比赛的进行(或举行);比赛的方式(或技巧)(球、棋等比赛中的)打法,走法;(比赛中的)动作,(一)步;(比赛中)轮到的一次机会
The play is going to be organized. 比赛即将举办。
Play should be over by six o'clock. 比赛应在6时前结束。
Rain stopped play. 下雨终止了比赛。
That was pretty (或 nice) play. 那动作漂亮极了。
rough play in a match 比赛中的粗野动作
a brilliant corner play 一个精彩的角球
It is his play now. 现在该由他走(或打)了。
3. 剧本;戏剧;(戏剧的)演出
the plays of Shakespeare 莎士比亚戏剧
I prefer films to stage plays. 比起舞台剧来我更喜欢看电影。
go to the play 去看戏
4. 活动,运动;操作,运转;(才智等的)运用;活动(或运动等)的自由(或机会);活动(或运动等)的空间(或范围)间隙,隙
the play of muscles 肌肉的活动
The engine was in full play. 发动机在全速运转。
the free play of ideas in research and development 在研究开发工作中思想的自由发挥
We fixed the pulleys so that the rope had free play. 我们装上了滑轮,这样绳索就能自由滑动了。
allow free play to one's emotions 任意发泄感情
give full play to the spirit of self-reliance 充分发扬自力更生的精神
a joint with too much play 间隙太大的接头
5. 作用;影响
All human actions are determined by a complex play of motives and forces. 人的一切行为都是由动机和动力的综合作用所决定的。
6. (唱机等的)放音
This needle should be good for hundreds of plays. 这种唱针应当能够放音数百次。
7. 轻快的活动(或移动);晃动,摇曳;变幻
a fountain with a leaping play of water 跳跃式喷水的喷泉
the play of lightnings 电光的闪烁
a continuous play of light and shade 不断交替的明暗
the play of colour on iridescent feathers 闪光羽毛的变色
the play of expression in a face 脸部表情的变化
8. [尤用以构成复合词](刀、剑等的)挥动,挥舞
9. 赌博
lose vast sums at play 赌输很多钱
high play 输赢很大的赌博
10. 主方(罢工工人等的)停工;休假
11. 投机活动,交易;花招,计策
a play to get sb.'s fingerprints 取得某人指纹的计策
12. (新闻媒介等的)着重报道;宣传
Newspapers gave heavy (prominent) play to ... 报纸大量(在显著地位)报道了…
Skiing is getting a big play these days. 滑雪运动近来非常热门。
13. 性交;调情

II vt.
1. 玩,做(游戏);假扮(或模仿)…玩
The boy suggested they play war (tag). 那男孩提议玩打仗(捉人)游戏。
Let's play that we are pirates. 咱们来扮海盗玩。
Let's play going to work by bus. 咱们来假装乘公共汽车去上班。
2. 参加(体育活动、比赛等);同…比赛;让…参加比赛;(在球队中)(让…)担任(特定位置)(比赛中)打出,踢出;(比分)…比…
play chess 下棋
play basketball 打篮球
They haven't played their third round match yet. 他们队还没有打第三轮。
Our team played the sophomore team yesterday. 我们队昨天同二年级队比赛。
Father played me at chess (或 played me a game of chess 或 played a game of chess with me) and lost. 父亲同我下棋,结果他输了。
New York played Boston for the championship. 纽约队与波士顿队争夺冠军。
The coach did not play the best player. 教练没让最好的选手上场。
They decided to play him as (或 at) goalkeeper. 他们决定让他担任守门员。
I played centre on the basketball team. 我在篮球队打中锋。
play a king (打牌时)出老K
play the ball just over the net 把球打(或踢)得擦网而过
15 plays 12. 15比12。
3. (玩笑),耍(恶作剧、花招);作弄,逗弄;使对立
play a joke on sb. 对某人开玩笑
play power politics 耍弄强权政治
play a mean trick on sb. (或 play sb. a mean trick) 用卑劣手段作弄某人
play a suitor 忸怩作态地逗弄求婚的人
play one's two opponents against each other 使两个对手互相斗起来
4. 扮演(角色等);演出,上演(戏剧等);演出…的戏剧;在…演出
play (the part of) Hamlet 扮演哈姆雷特(的角色)
play a tragedy 演悲剧
What film was played that night? 那天晚上演什么电影?
play Shakespeare 演莎士比亚的戏剧
play a tour in New England 在新英格兰巡回演出
They played the best theatres. 他们在最好的剧院演出。
The picture hasn't played Europe yet. 这影片还没有在欧洲上映过。
5. 装扮,装得像;充当;尽…的本分(或责任)
She likes to play the great lady. 她喜欢装成贵妇人的样子。
Don't you play the wise old professor with me. 别对我装得像个睿智的老教授似的。
play host to sb. 对某人尽地主之谊
play one's part well 竭尽本分
6. 演奏(乐曲或乐器);为…演奏;演奏…的乐曲;奏乐带领(或迎送)
play a march (symphony) 演奏进行曲(交响乐)
play the violin 拉小提琴
Play us something happy. 给我们奏些欢快的曲子。
play Mozart 演奏莫扎特的作品
play off the delegations 奏乐欢送代表团
play in the new year (out the old year) 奏乐迎来新年(送走旧岁)
7. (唱片、磁带等);为…放音;开(收音机、录音机等)放音
I will play you a tape of his speech. 我将给你放他的讲话录音。
Passengers must not play radios or cassettes. 旅客不得开收音机或录音机。
8. 使轻快地活动(或移动);使晃动,使摇曳;使变幻
play a flashlight 打手电晃来晃去地照
play coloured lights on a fountain 用彩色灯光摇曳地照耀喷泉
9. 起劲地使用;挥舞
play knife and fork with gusto 吃得津津有味
play a good stick 舞得一手好棍
10. (不停地或反复地)发射(或喷射、照射)
play guns on the enemy's lines 向敌人阵地开炮
play water (或 play a hose) on a burning building 用水龙管把水射向着火的建筑物
play a searchlight along the road 用探照灯沿路照射
11. 赌;对…打赌;从事…的投机
play five dollars 赌5美元
play the races (或 horses) 赌赛马
12. (作决定或办事时)把注下在…上;凭借
play one's luck instead of one's skill 靠运气而不靠本事
13. 对待;处置,处理
play the situation coolly 冷静对付局势
play a question in a low key (或 tone) 低调地处理一个问题
14. 造成,引起
15. (上钩的鱼)挣扎得筋疲力尽
1. 玩,玩耍;弄着玩
Children like to play. 孩子们爱玩。
The kids went off to play in the yard (on the swings). 孩子们到院子里去玩(出去荡秋千)了。
2. 参加体育活动,参加比赛;会某种体育活动;走棋;出牌;(运动员)以特定方式做动作;(场地等)呈特定使用状态
play in a set of tennis 打一盘网球
play against sb. 同某人比赛
I don't play. (球类运动或牌戏等)我不会打。
The outfielders were playing deep. 外场手移后防守。
The lawn plays well (badly). 草地适于(不适于)打球。
3. 玩弄;作弄,戏弄
4. 扮演角色,表演;(戏剧等)演出,上演;(剧本等)适于演出
play in a tragedy 在一出悲剧中扮演角色
The picture is playing in London. 这部影片正在伦敦上映。
We played to ninety per cent audiences. 我们演出时的上座率有九成。
This scene doesn't play as well as it reads. 这场戏读上去可以,演起来不行。
5. 假装,装样子
play dead (dumb) 装死(哑)
play nervous 故作紧张
play for sympathy 装样子招人同情
6. 演奏;奏出,奏响
The band is playing. 乐队在演奏。
He plays out of tune. 他奏得走了调。
The music began to play. 音乐开始奏响。
The organ is playing. 风琴在奏鸣。
7. (唱片、磁带等)放音
records playing at rotational speeds of 33⅓ revolutions per minute 每分钟33⅓转的唱片
The radio was playing loudly. 收音机音量开得很大。
8. 轻快地活动(或移动);晃动,摇曳;变幻
The breeze played on the water. 微风轻拂水面。
Butterflies played among flowers. 蝴蝶在花丛中飞舞。
Flashers played through the darkness. 闪光灯在黑暗中闪烁
Leaves played in the breeze. 树叶在微风中摇曳。
9. (在一定范围内)运转;发挥作用
The wheel plays in a track. 轮子在轨道上转动。
10. (不停地或反复地)发射(或喷射、照射)
The warning lights played above the town. 该城上空不断发出警戒灯光。
The fountain plays from 10 till 4. 这喷泉从10点到4点喷水。
The sun was playing on his helmet. 太阳光照射在他的头盔上。
11. 赌博,打赌
play for money 赌钱
12. 主方停工;休假
13. 合作;照办
They'd come back and get her, if I didn't play with them. 如果我不同他们合作,他们还会再来抓她的。
He wouldn't play. 他不肯干。
[<OE plegian to exercise, busy oneself with; 与 MD pleyen to frolic, play 有关]
phr. (a) boy's play 见 boy
a play of words 文字游戏
a play on (或 upon) words 双关语
as good as a play 非常有趣
bring (或 call) into play 使活动,使运转;启用,使用
The guns were called into play and the attack was checked. 动用大炮之后进攻被遏止。
New evidence has been brought into play in this trial. 这次审判中提出了新的证据。
bring resources into play 利用资源
come into play 开始活动,开始运转;投入使用;起作用
the main factors that come into play 起作用的主要因素
have (got) ... to play with (钱、时间等)可供支配
How much money have we got to play with? 我们有多少钱可以花?
in play 1. (球)按规则处于可比赛状态中
keep the ball in play 保持球不成死球
2. (手中的牌)仍可打出的
3. 活动中,忙碌中
hold one's attackers in play 牵制进攻者
4. 开玩笑似地,不认真地
I said it only in play. 我这话只不过是说着玩的。
make a play for 美口
1. 挖空心思地吸引,千方百计地勾引(异性)
2. 想方设法得到
make play 有效地行动,切实地办事;强调
The opposition made great play over the government's financial mismanagement. 反对派就政府理财失误问题大做文章。
A certain amount of play was made about £1 million being given to the Education Council to help educate the public. 在给教育委员会提供约100万镑经费来促进公众教育方面已经切实地做了一些工作。
make (great) play with (of) (在讨论或辩论中)故意卖弄;(为获好处而)炫弄,炫示
not playing with a full deck 美口弱智的
out of play (球)按规则处于非可赛状态中
The ball is out of play. 这球成了死球。
play about (或 round, around) 1. (在…附近)玩耍;玩乐
The kids are playing around in the garden. 孩子们在花园里玩耍。
Tell the children not to play around the electricity station. 告诉孩子们不要在电站附近玩耍。
2. (在…附近)轻快地活动(或移动、晃动等)
Bees are playing about flowers. 蜜蜂在花间飞舞。
A quiet smile played round his lips. 他嘴角露出一丝文静的微笑。
His fancy played round the idea. 他的心思老是丢不开那个念头。
3. 搞不正当性关系,乱来
play about (或 around) with 1. 玩弄,摆弄;乱弄
play about with sand 玩沙子
play about with sb.'s affections 玩弄某人的感情
play about with the people against their will 愚弄人民
Don't play about with that gun. 别摆弄那枪。
play around with a problem 反复琢磨一个问题
Who's been playing about with my papers? They're all out of order. 谁在乱翻我的书信文件? 全部弄乱了。
2. 与…搞不正当性关系,同…乱来
play around with married women 乱搞有夫之妇
play a lone hand 见 hand
play along 1. 使等候回音(或决定);与…周旋
They decided to play her along for a time, hoping to obtain her services for lower pay. 他们决定拖她一阵子,指望她会同意以较低工资来服务。
2. 假表同意
They are just playing along and have no real intention of accepting the proposal. 他们只是在耍滑头,并没有接受建议的真心实意。
play along with 1. (暂时)与…合作,参与
I'll play along with them for the moment. 我暂且同他们周旋周旋。
play along with sb.'s scheme 权且参与某人的计划
2. 对…假表同意
play along with sb.'s suggestion 暂且附和某人的建议
play a part 见 part
play at 1. 玩,做(游戏等);假扮…玩
The children played at hide-and-seek. 孩子们玩捉迷藏游戏。
The children are playing at policemen and robbers (at keeping shop). 孩子们在玩警察抓强盗(开店)的游戏。
2. 参加(体育活动、比赛等);打(球、牌等),踢(球)
Can we play at cards this evening? 今晚我们打牌好吗?
3. 戏弄;嘲弄
play at sb. in print 用文字嘲弄某人
4. 儿戏似地做,不认真地干
She is only playing at being a secretary. 她干秘书这行只是玩玩而已。
play away 1. (球队)在客场比赛
2. 赌输掉(钱财等)
play away one's inheritance 把遗产赌输掉
3. 浪费掉(时间等)
4. 搞婚外恋
play back 1. (球)打回给对方;后退接球
2. 放,放送(唱片、磁带等)(尤指刚录下的内容)
arrange for several students to read and then play back the tape to the whole class 安排几个学生朗读然后把录音放给全班听
hear the tape recorder play back the conversation at dinner 听录音机放出吃饭时录下的对话
play ball 见 ball¹
play booty 见 booty
play both ends against the middle 见 end¹
play by ear 见 ear¹
play by the rules 遵循正确的行为准则
play down 1. 对…不多重视(或不多宣传);降低…的重要性;贬低
playdown the colour question to the media 有意对传媒淡化肤色问题
playdown the serious nature of sb.'s illness 把某人病情的严重程度讲得轻些
He played down his part in the discovery. 他故意贬低自己在这一发现中所起的作用。
2. 屈尊随群
Politicians have to playdown to the voters, so that they seem to be ordinary worthy people. 对选民,政治家须屈尊随群,这样他们就显得既平凡又难能可贵了。
play (at) ducks and drakes with 见 duck(s) and drake(s)
play fair 1. 按规则进行比赛
2. 办事公正合理;行为光明正大
play fast and loose 处事轻率,行为反复无常
play fast and loose with a girl's affections 忽冷忽热地玩弄姑娘的感情
play favourites 见 favorite
play (for) one's own hand 见 hand
play for safety 见 safety
play for time 见 time
play forward 前进接球
play games 见 game¹
play hard 1. (比赛者)使劲
2. 处事不择手段;为人卑鄙
play havoc (with 或 among) 见 havoc
play hell with 见 hell
play high 作输赢很大的赌博
play hookey 见 hookey
play house 见 house
play into sb.'s hands 见 hand
play it 装出某种样子
play it smart (cool) 做出洒脱(冷静)的样子
play (it) safe 稳扎稳打;谨慎行事,不冒险
When you are swimming, it's best to play (it) safe and not go too far from the shore. 游泳时最好稳当一些,别离岸太远。
play off1. 延长比赛(或加赛)以破(平局);使(平局双方)延长比赛(或加赛)(平局后)(延长赛或加赛);打延长赛(或加赛);打完(整个一轮比赛或中断的比赛)
play off a tie 加赛以破平局
play off the two winners 让两个胜队再赛以决雌雄
The two equal winners had to play off (an additional game). 两个比分相同的胜队还须打一场加赛。
All the matches must be played off by the end of the month. 全部比赛必须在月底前结束。
play off the game stopped by rain 把因雨中断的比赛赛完
2. 嘲弄;使暴露缺点,使出丑
He always plays off the boy who stammers badly. 他老是取笑那个有严重口吃的男孩。
3. (尤指为渔利而)使相斗
play off one great power against another 挑动一个大国同另一个大国发生争端
Are you trying to play us off against each other? 你是想挑拨我们吗?
4. (用欺骗手段)把…脱手
play off a bad coin on the man 骗得那汉子收下伪币
play on 1. 继续比赛(或演奏)
2. (击球员)(球)触柱出局;击球触柱出局;使(队员)不越位
3. = play upon
4. 美俚(黑人用语)虐待;威胁
play oneself in 1. (运动员刚上场参赛时)使自己适应比赛现场
2. 使自己适应环境
play one's cards well (或 right) 见 card¹
play one's hunch 见 hunch
play opposite (to) 演与…相对的异性角色,为…配戏
He played opposite (to) her. 他为她配戏。
play out 1. 演出;把(戏)演完;把(比赛)进行到底
Their love affair was played out. 他们的爱情故事被搬上了舞台。
The game was played out although the light was bad. 虽然光线不佳,比赛还是坚持到底。
2. 履行;完成
The battle for the leadership was played out. 争夺领导权之战结束了。
3. (使)筋疲力尽;(使)耗尽;(使)逐渐减弱(或消失)
The endless war was playing out both men and the supplies. 漫长的战争弄得人疲物尽。
By night he was played out. 到晚上他已疲惫不堪。
He's not the writer he was. He's played out. 他写作不如从前了,已经是智穷才尽。
That plot is completely played out. 那个阴谋已彻底破产。
That theory is played out. 那种理论过时了。
4. (绕着的绳索等)放出,松出
play out a length of line 放出一段线
5. 宣泄,排解(情绪等)
When children pretend to be violent, they may be playing out evil in a lawful setting, preventing trouble in later life. 当儿童假装进行暴力活动的时候,也许正是在合法的场景中排遣做坏事的心理,从而避免在日后的生活中惹是生非。
play out time 见 time
play politics 见 politics
play possum 见 possum
play sb. false 对某人不忠实;欺骗某人
His best friend played him false. 他最好的朋友耍了他。
His memory played him false. 他的记忆力靠不住了。
play sb. for 美口把某人当作…来利用;为…利用某人
We are being played for suckers. 我们在被人当作傻瓜利用。
You are only playing me for what you can get out of me. 你只是在利用我,想从我身上捞些什么。
play sb.'s game 见 game¹
play second fiddle (to) 见 second fiddle
play the deuce with 见 deuce²
play the devil with 见 devil
play the field 见 field
play the fool 见 fool¹
play the fool with 见 fool¹
play the game 见 game¹
play the man 见 man
play the market 见 market
play to 1. 对…演奏;为…演出
She played to him on the harp. 她为他演奏竖琴。
The new opera has played to full houses. 这出新歌剧演出以来场场客满。
2. 投…所好,迎合
He played to popular prejudices to serve his political ends. 他迎合大众的偏见来为其政治目的服务。
play to the gallery 见 gallery
play truant 见 truant
play up 1. (比赛时)拼命;[常用于祈使句]加油
2. 对…多重视(或多宣传);提高…的重要性;强调
Newspapers have played up the visit. 报纸对这次访问已大肆宣传。
play up one's illness 把自己的病说得很严重
3. 英口(给…)制造麻烦;使恼火;使痛苦
Don't let the children play up. 不要让孩子们调皮捣蛋。
Those children do play their parents up (或 play up on their parents). 这些孩子真使他们的父母烦心。
My back is playing (me) up. 腰酸背痛弄得我十分难受。
4. 英口(机器等)出故障
The car is playing up again. 这辆汽车又出毛病了。
5. 充分利用
play upon 1. 演奏(乐器)
play upon a drum 打鼓
2. 对…产生影响
A heavy diet of TV drama played upon his nerves (或 moods, feelings). 他电视剧看得太多以至于情绪不安。
3. 利用(感情、恐惧等)
play upon people's superstitious beliefs 利用人们的迷信思想
The plan can be defeated if you play upon its weaknesses. 你如果利用这项计划的弱点就可使之失败。
play up to 1. 给…当配角;配合
play up beautifully to sb.'s act 出色地配合某人的行动
2. 投…所好,迎合
play up to the boss 讨好上司
play with 1. 拿…玩;和…一起玩
play with a doll 玩玩偶
play with the children 和孩子们一起玩
2. 戏弄;嘲弄
Don't play with me. 别耍我了。
3. 摆弄;玩弄;不认真对待
play with one's food 摆弄食物(指不想吃)
deter children from playing with matches 不让孩子们玩火柴
play with words 玩弄辞藻
play with a girl's affections 玩弄姑娘的感情
play with the idea of doing sth. 随便想起要做某事(但未必真去做)
play with fire 见 fire
play with oneself 手淫
What are you (is he, is she, are they 等) playing at?(他,她,他们等)在搞什么名堂?




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