释义 |
pitch¹ /pɪtʃ/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr. I ❶ vt. 1. 投,掷,扔,抛;丢弃,抛开;(游戏中)把(硬币、铁圈等)掷向目标 pitch a spear 掷标枪 Pitch me that ball. 把那球扔给我。 pitch hay onto a waggon (用干草叉)把干草叉上大车 pitch sb. out 把某人撵出去 2. 〈美〉【棒】把(球)投给击球员;指派…为投手;为(一场比赛)当投手;【高尔夫】把(球)击成下旋高球;【板】使(投给击球员的球)定点击地 3. 支搭,架设;使固定,把…置于特定位置 pitch a tent 搭帐篷 pitch camp 扎营 pitch a stake 打桩 pitch a stall in a market 在市场设摊位 This pitched him into the political arena. 这使他从此走上了政治舞台。 4. 【音】为…定音高,为…定调 She pitched her voice too high. 她把音调定得太高。 pitch the song in a lower key 把歌曲的调子定得略低一些 5. 把…定于特定角度,使倾斜 pitch the roof too steep 把屋顶造得过于陡斜 6. 把…定于特定程度(或价值、性质、标准等);〈废〉确定 pitch one's expectations too high 抱负过高 The prices of these cars are pitched extremely competitively. 这些汽车的售价定得极有竞争性。 The president's speech was pitched as a call to arms. 总统的讲话是一个要大家拿起武器的号召。 7. 带着特定感情说(或写),使带有特定感情 pitch a story in a sentimental strain 使一篇故事带上伤感情调 8. 使向前(或向下)跌倒,使向外摔出;使松出,使丢失 get pitched on one's head 头朝地摔倒 The carriage overturned and the passengers were pitched out. 车翻了,乘客被摔了出来。 9. 〈美俚〉为…大做广告,竭力推销;〈主英〉陈列(商品) 10. 浮夸地说;〈主英俚〉讲述 pitch a yarn (或 tale) 讲故事(常指令人难以置信的故事) 11. 【牌】打出(选定王牌的首张牌);选定(王牌) 12. 〈古〉把…列阵 13. (用石子等)铺(路) 14. 〈方〉种植 15. 使发酵 ❷ vi. 1. 投,掷,扔,抛 2. 【棒】把球投给击球手;当投手;【高尔夫】击下旋高球;【板】投定点击地球 3. 搭帐篷;安营;定下位置;安顿下来 pitch up for a night 扎营过夜 4. 向前跌(或冲);猛然摔倒;向外摔出 He suddenly pitched headlong to the ground. 他突然一头栽倒在地。 He lost his consciousness and pitched forward on his face. 他失去了知觉,脸向前扑倒在地。 pitch down the stairs 从楼梯上摔下 5. (船舶)上下颠簸,纵摇;(飞机)俯仰;(导弹、宇宙飞船等)偏航 The ship pitched and rolled in the rough sea. 船在大浪中上下颠簸,左右摇晃。 6. (马、狗等)弓着背跑 7. 向前(或向下)倾斜 The roof of this house pitches sharply. 这所房子的屋顶陡斜得厉害。 8. 〈美俚〉竭力推销
II n. 1. 投,掷,扔,抛;投掷方式;投掷物;投掷量(如一次叉起的干草量) 2. 【棒】【板】投球;投出的球;投球式;【高尔夫】下旋高球(亦作 pitch shot);【美橄】(对阵争球线后的)横传 3. (说话等)声音(或音调)的高低度;【音】音高;(声乐或器乐的)音高标准 the pitch of a voice 嗓音的高度 Her voice dropped to a lower pitch. 她的声调低了下来。 4. (鹰扑向猎物等的)高度;〈喻〉程度,强度;极点,顶点 the pitch of an arch 拱的高度 be at a high pitch of animation 极其活跃 reach the lowest pitch of bad fortune 倒霉透顶 the pitch of success 成功的巅峰 5. 〈美口〉竭力推销的广告语;商品推销员的行话;(无线电、电视中的)商品广告;宣传论点;行动计划 a sales pitch 叫卖语 a campaign pitch 竞选纲领 6. 宿营地的选择;搭帐篷的地方,宿营地 make one's pitch 选定宿营地(或安顿下来) 7. 〈主英〉(商贩等的)设摊处,摊位;(街头艺人的)表演场所;一批陈列的商品 a high pitch 车摊 a low pitch 地摊 8. 斜坡;(屋顶等的)斜度;(地层或矿脉等的)倾斜 the pitch of a stair 楼梯的斜度 9. 【机】螺距(指螺纹上两相邻螺牙之间的距离);(齿轮的)齿节,节距;【空】螺距(指飞机螺旋桨旋转一次的前移距离) 10. 跌倒;前冲 11. (船的)上下颠簸,纵摇;(飞机的)俯仰 12. 〈主英〉足球场;板球场 13. 〈美〉【牌】皮奇牌(一种以首牌决定王牌的改良“全四牌戏”[all fours]) 14. (打弹子游戏的)发弹圈 15. 〈美俚〉情况,现状 Do you get the pitch? 情况你清楚了吗? [< ME picchen < ? OE pīcian to pick²] phr. in there pitching 〈美口〉尽力的 (地),非常起劲的 (地);坚持不懈的 (地)No matter what happened, he stayed in there pitching. 不管发生什么事,他总是一个劲儿地干。I'm on the go night and day, and I'm in there pitching. 我日日夜夜拼命干,时刻都不松懈。make a pitch for 1. 为…作宣传,替…说好话 He made a strong pitch for his tax reform bill. 他竭力为自己的税改议案作宣传。2. 试图引诱…谈情说爱;企图引诱…发生性关系 pitch in 〈口〉1. 把…投入,把…扔入 2. 动手干,使劲干 pitch in on housework 忙着做起家务 3. 协力,作出贡献 Everywhere people pitched in to help. 到处都有人协力相助。4. 加入到打斗 (或争吵)中 pitch into 〈口〉1. 把…投进,把…投入 2. 迫使处于;迫使接受 I didn't ask for the championship, I was pitched into it. 我并不想当冠军,是人家赶我这鸭子上架的。3. 猛烈攻击;痛打;大骂 He pitched into me with his fists. 他拔拳打我。He pitched into the idea of raising taxes. 他猛烈抨击提高税收的主张。4. 开始忙于,动手干 I pitched into the work on my desk. 我开始埋头干桌上的工作。5. 开始大吃 Here's your supper— pitch into it. 这是你的晚饭,吃吧! pitch on (或 upon) (随便)选出,选定;决定 pitch on a day for picnic 选定野餐的日子 He'd have pitched upon you, had you happened to be here. 如果你碰巧在这里,他定会选中你的。queer sb.'s pitch (或 queer the pitch for sb.) 〈英口〉破坏 (或阻挠)某人的计划 (或安排)By acting in that way you have queered my pitch. 你那样做是坏了我的事。pitch up 〈口〉出现,露面 |