释义 |
bat·tle¹ /ˈbætl/ n. | vi. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 战役,会战;战斗 the Battle of Britain 不列颠战役 (指第二次世界大战中德国于1940年秋季向英国发动的空中攻势) a sea (an air) battle 海 (空) 战 fall (或 die) in battle 阵亡 go into battle 投入战斗 accept battle 应战 refuse battle 拒绝应战 2. 格斗;决斗;搏斗 a battle between two tigers 两虎之间的一场搏斗 3. 竞赛,较量;奋斗,斗争;争论 a general's (soldier's) battle 战略和战术 (或勇气和武力) 的较量 a battle against inflation 制止通货膨胀的斗争 a battle of wits 智斗 a battle of words (tongues) 一场论 (舌) 战 4. [the battle] 胜利,成功 The battle is to the just. 胜利属于正义一方。 5. 〈古〉(军队编制的)营
II ❶ vi. 1. 作战,战斗 2. 搏斗;奋争,斗争 battle with (或 against) the winds and waves 和风浪搏斗 battle with (或 against) difficulties 和困难作斗争 battle for justice (one's rights) 为正义 (自己的权利) 而斗争 Sometimes they battled for hours over a single word or sentence. 有时他们只是为了一个词或一个句子而争论数小时。 ❷ vt. 1. 〈美〉和…作战 battle the enemy 和敌人作战 2. 〈美〉和…搏斗;和…斗争 The swimmer had to battle a strong current. 那个游泳的人不得不和激流搏斗。 battle terrorism (an epidemic) 向恐怖主义 (时疫) 作斗争 3. 奋力打开(一条路) battle one's way through the crowd 奋力挤过人群 battle one's way to the top of one's profession 奋力登上本行业的顶峰 [< OFr bataile battle, arrayed troops < LL battālia fencing exercises < battuere to beat] phr. battle it out 决一雌雄;决一死战 do battle 作战;进行斗争 do political battle with sb. 对某人作政治上的斗争 do battle over the budget cuts 就削减预算问题进行斗争 fight one's battle over again 讲述自己经历过的战斗 (或斗争),回忆当年战功 give battle 进行战斗;开展斗争 The General decided to give battle (to the enemy) at dawn. 将军决定拂晓 (向敌人) 发起进攻。give the battle 认输 half the battle 成功的重要条件 Persistence is half the battle. 坚韧是取胜的保证。join battle 开始交战 The opposing forces now joined battle. 对峙的两军这时开始接火交战了。join battle with sb. 与某人开始交战 offer battle 挑战 the battle of the bulge 〈谑〉“反肥战” (指防止中年体胖) |