

单词 pick²
释义 pick² /pɪk/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. (用镐等尖头工具)凿,掘,挖;凿(或掘、挖)(洞等)
pick the surface of a rock 凿石块的表面
2. (用手指或尖细器具)掏,扒;剔;从…上剔除
pick one's nose 掏鼻孔
pick one's teeth 剔牙
pick a bone clean 把骨头啃干净
pick meat from bones 剔骨头上的肉
3. 采摘,采集;为…采摘
pick mushrooms (fruit) 采蘑菇(摘水果)
We picked the whole field in one day. 整块田我们一天就采摘完了。
The children picked her some flowers. 孩子们给她采了些花。
4. 拔去;拔除(家禽)的毛
pick a thorn out of one's finger 拔掉手指上的刺
pick a chicken clean of feathers 把鸡毛煺干净
5. 撬开;扒窃…中的东西
pick a lock 撬锁
pick pockets 扒口袋
6. (用尖物)扯松;撕开,拆开
pick wool 扯松羊毛
pick sth. to pieces 把某物拆成碎片
7. (鸟类)啄食;(鼠类等)啮食;(人)一点一点地(或无食欲地)
pick a bit of food 吃一点点东西
8. 挑选,选择;挑拣
Delegates will be picked at a convention. 代表将在大会上选出。
pick one's words with care 仔细地斟字酌句
9. 寻找…的口实;寻(衅),找(毛病)
pick a quarrel (fight) 寻衅吵架(打架)
pick fault with sb. 找某人的岔子
10. 弹拨(琴弦);弹奏(弦乐器)
pick a guitar 弹吉他
11. 澳新口猜测,推测;预言
I picked that was where he'd go. 我想他要去的就是那里。
I pick it right. 我看没问题。
1. 凿,掘,挖
2. 掏,扒;剔
3. (被)采摘;收获
Grapes pick easily. 葡萄很容易采摘。
the picking season (果实等的)采收季节
4. 啄食;一点一点地(或无食欲地)
Chickens picked about the yard. 鸡群在院子里到处啄食。
5. 挑选,选择;挑剔
6. 扒窃,偷窃
7. 弹奏弦乐器

II n.
1. 凿,掘,挖
2. 掏,扒;剔
3. 挑选(权),选择(权);挑拣(权)
Here are three records, take your pick. 这里有3张唱片,你挑吧。
I can give you your pick of half a dozen. 我可以让你自己选半打。
He can have his pick of jobs. 有几个工作可供他选择。
4. 主美挑选出来的人(或物)最佳的人(或物),精华
a possible vice presidential pick 可能当选副总统的人
That book is my first pick. 那本书是我最中意的。
Only the pick of the schools are able to pass the exams. 只有各校的佼佼学生才能通过这些考试。
5. 一次采收的作物
the first pick of peaches 第一批采摘的桃子
6. 掩护
[< ME picken < OE pician; 与 ON pikka to pick, peck²,? Fr piquer to pierce 有关]
phr. can really pick'em 美口[常用作反语]很会挑选东西
Is this turkey your idea of a good show? You can really pick'em. 挑这种准演砸的戏充当好节目吗? 你可真是别具慧眼。
have (got) a bone to pick with 见 bone
pick and choose挑挑拣拣;挑三拣四,挑剔
pick and steal 扒窃,偷窃
pick apart 1. 把…撕成碎片
He picked apart an old quilt. 他把一条旧被子撕成碎片。
2. 把…驳得体无完肤;对…吹毛求疵;严厉批评
They picked the play apart. 他们把这出戏批得一无是处。
pick at 1. 扯拉,抓弄
The baby kept picking at the coverlet. 婴儿不停地抓弄床罩。
2. 吃一点点;无食欲地吃;无兴趣地干(某事)
The birds picked at the bread crumbs. 鸟啄食面包屑。
He only picked at his food. 他毫无胃口,只吃了一点点东西。
3. 找…的岔子;对…唠叨指责
pick at sb.'s work 挑剔某人的工作
keep picking away at sb. 对某人数落个不停
pick holes (或 a hole) in sb.'s coat 见 hole
pick off1. 摘下,摘掉;拔去
They have picked off all the apples. 他们已把苹果全部摘了。
2. 逐个地(或有选择地)瞄准射中
pick off the enemy one by one 把敌人一个一个地击倒
3. 突然传杀
4. 拦截(传球等);截取
pick on 1. 找…的岔子;对…唠叨指责 (= pick at)
Why pick on me? 为什么偏要跟我过不去?
pick on small points to criticize 抓住鸡毛蒜皮唠叨指责
2. 作弄;惹恼
They picked on smaller boys. 他们欺弄比他们小的孩子。
3. 挑选;选中
They picked on him for the work. 他们挑中他做这工作。
We picked on an unsuitable spot for a camping site. 我们选了一个不合适的地方作为露营地。
pick one's way 见 way
pick out 1. 挑出,选出,拣出
Pick out the one you want. 把你要的一个挑出来。
I have picked out the bad potatoes from the basket. 我已从篮子里把烂土豆拣出来了。
2. 辨认出,分辨出
He was picked out by eyewitnesses as the driver of the car. 他被目击者认出就是这辆汽车的司机。
3. 弄清,了解(含义等)
4. 凭听觉记忆(或一个音一个音地)弹奏(曲调)
5. [常用被动语态](用另一种颜色)把…衬出来
The scrolls were picked out in (或 with) red on a white ground. 画轴以白色为底,复用红色衬托。
6. 取出,拔出,抽出
pick the nut out of the shell 把胡桃肉挖出来
pick over 1. 仔细检查…以便选出佳品(或剔除劣品),挑拣
She picked the apples over and threw out the bad ones. 她把苹果一个一个地检查,把坏的剔汰。
2. 不断地讲(或想)(不愉快的事)
Don't keep picking over our old quarrels. 不要老是念念不忘我们过去的争吵了。
pick sb.'s brains 见 brain
pick them [用以加强语气](尤指人际关系方面)谨慎选择
pick to pieces = pick apart
pick up1. (用镐等)掘,凿
2. 拿起;捡起;提起;(跌倒或失败后)使(自己)爬起
pick up one's hat and go 抓起帽子就走
pick sb. up under the shoulders 双手插入胳肢窝把某人提扶起来
The bird picked up a worm. 鸟把虫叼起。
He picked himself up and walked on with weak knees. 他站起身来,双膝无力地继续向前走。
3. 重新得到,恢复(健康、效能或中断后的活动、谈话等)(重新)鼓起(勇气、希望等)
pick up flesh 长肉发胖
pick up one's spirits 振作精神
We picked up (the work) where we had left off. 我们把中途放下的工作又重新做下去。
4. 恢复健康;振作起来;使恢复精力(或勇气、希望等)
She is picking up wonderfully. 她在迅速恢复。
His spirits picked up. 他的精神振奋起来了。
A little food will pick you up. 吃一点东西你就会有劲的。
5. (情况等)好转,改进,提高
It'll pick up sooner or later. 情况迟早会好起来。
Business appears to be picking up. 生意似有起色。
The weather may pick up. 天气可能会好转。
Commodity prices will pick up. 商品将涨价。
6. (尤指偶然地、无意地、容易地)获得;找到;学会;买得
pick up a lot of information 得到很多信息
pick up an idea 想到一个主意
pick up a fair amount in tips 得到不少小费
pick up a cold 染感冒
pick up a bad habit 染上恶习
pick up elementary French in three months 3个月学会基础法语
pick up some groceries on the way home 在回家的路上买点食品杂货
7. 看到;听到;收看(或听)
Did you pick that wink up? 你看到那人眨眼示意了吗?
pick up Chicago on the radio 收听到芝加哥电台广播
an enemy plane picked up by the radar installation 被雷达发现的敌机
8. 找到(被追捕者的踪迹等)
The dogs picked up the fox's smell. 狗嗅出了狐狸的气味。
9. (停下来)(人或东西)带走(或取走),把…载上车(或船等);搭乘(车、船等)
I'll pick you up at your house.(开车)上你家去接你。
He picked up his clothes at the cleaners. 他顺便去洗衣房取走了衣服。
The ship sailed for Kuwait and picked up the crude. 船驶往科威特,装上了原油。
The plane is waiting to pick him up. 飞机在等着接他。
People are waiting to pick up the bus. 人们等着搭乘公共汽车。
10. 整理,收拾;整理房间,收拾东西;收集;收拾行李
pick up a room 整理房间
pick up tools and go home 收拾好工具回家
Time to pick up and get ready for dinner. 把东西收拾起来,准备吃饭了。
pick up news from all sources 从各方面收集消息
pick up and leave 打点行装后动身
11. (从不动到动或慢速行驶后)增加(速度);加速
The car picked up (speed) down the straight. 汽车加速沿直道驶去。
The music began to pick up. 音乐开始变得轻快。
12. [尤用于 pick up the bill (或 check, tab) 短语中](账)
The government should pick up the bill for the damaged ship. 政府应该为那艘受损船承担付款的责任。
13. 逮捕;拘捕
narrowly escape being picked up in a police raid 在一次警察搜捕中差一点被捕
14. 与…偶然结识(常指与异性调情)
He picked up a girl in the movies. 他在电影院里结识了一个姑娘。
15. 偷窃;抢劫;骗取,诈取
pick up sb.'s all-important bag 偷窃某人十分重要的皮包
16. 找…的岔子;责问;察觉(某人)犯错误;揭穿
I am picked up for saying that... 我被指责曾说过…的话。
17. (在体育竞赛中)负责盯住(对手)
18. 高尔夫拾球
19. 成功地击中(将要落地的球)
20. (以相同的色调)衬托(另一物体或颜色)
pick up after 主美收拾被(某人)散落在地的东西
pick upon = pick on
pick up on1. 接近;(比赛中)开始超过(某人)
2. 美口理解;赏识
3. 美口了解到;注意到;使注意到;对…敏感
4. 美俚获得,把…据为己有
5. 重新提起(话题)
pick up the pieces 见 piece
pick up with 结识
He has picked up with a bad bunch of people. 他结识了一伙坏人。
the pick of the basket (或 bunch) 一批中最好的,精华




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