释义 |
peo·ple /ˈpiːpl/ n. | vt. | phr. I [复] n. 1. [用作person的复数]人;人们 Will people ever live 200 years? 人活得到200岁吗? There were 120 people at the lecture. 听讲座的有120人。 There has been a complete change in people's ideas on the subject. 人们对这一问题的观念完全变了。 What will people say? 人家会怎么说呢? city people 城里人 Northern people 北方人 blind people 盲人 people of wealth 富人 academic people 学界人士 electricity people 从事电业工作的人 country people 乡下人 2. [the people]人民,公民,国民;民众;平民 the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国 be elected by the people 由人民选举 win the support of the people 赢得人民的支持 music that appeals to the people 人民大众喜欢的音乐 a man of the people 一个普通人 government of the people, by the people, for the people 民有、民治、民享的政府 disputes between the people and the nobles 平民与贵族之争 3. [用作单或复]一国人民;民族 the peoples of the world 世界各国人民 a hardworking people 勤劳的民族 the Jewish people 犹太民族 Each people builds a culture adapted to its peculiar needs. 各民族都建立起一种适应其独特需要的文化。 The Japanese people belong to the Mongolian race. 日本民族属于蒙古人种。 4. 下属人员,随从人员 the family and the people of the royal household 王室的家庭成员和仆从 a pastor and his people 牧师及其信众 The king's people accompanied him in exile. 国王遭流放时御前人员陪其同往。 5. 同等人员;同人;同宗;同伙 The miner spoke for his people. 那矿工为他的工友们代言。 6. 家里人;亲属;上代人 He took her home to meet his people. 他带她回家同家里人见面。 My people came from the North. 我家上代是从北方来的。 7. [用作单]〈美俚〉[尤用于直接称呼陌生人]这个人,这位 She's very nice people. 她是个大好人。 8. [用作单或复]一群神仙,一群精灵 9. [用作单或复](小动物等的)一群;小动物们 the ant people 蚁群 squirrels, mice, and other little peoples of field and forest 松鼠、田鼠以及其他田野和森林中的小动物 10. [the P-] 〈美〉州检察当局
II vt. 1. 使住(满)人 Europe largely peopled America. 美国大部分人来自欧洲。 2. 居住于;构成…的人口 Settlers were peopling the new lands. 移民们在新开拓的土地上定居下来。 Istanbul is now peopled by more than 9 million Turks. 伊斯坦布尔现有900多万土耳其人。 The region is sparsely peopled. 这地区人口稀少。 3. 使充满,充斥 a sky peopled with stars 繁星密布的天空 a pool peopled with fish 满是鱼的池塘 Dreams peopled his idle hours. 他空闲的时候就异想天开。 The film is peopled with monstrocities. 这部影片通篇都是骇人的鬼怪。 [< OFr pople < L populus nation, crowd; 见 POPULACE] phr. be gathered to one's people 见老祖宗,入土 of all people (in the world) 在所有的人当中偏偏 They chose him of all people. 他们恰恰选中了他。people of the Book 见 book the little (或 good) people 矮精灵;小仙子 |