

单词 penetrate
释义 pen·e·trate /ˈpenɪtreɪt/ vt. | vi.
1. 刺入,戳入;刺穿,穿透
The knife penetrated his stomach. 刀子刺进他的胃部。
The nail penetrated the wood at least two inches. 钉子钉进木头至少有两英寸。
The bullet penetrated his left shoulder. 子弹射入(或打穿)他的左肩。
The B-1 is designed to penetrate enemy radar defences. B -1轰炸机的设计要求是能穿过敌人的雷达防线。
penetrate the jamming of a country's broadcasts by other countries 冲破别国对一国广播的干扰
2. 透入,渗入,漫入;透过
The cold penetrated his bones. 他感到寒气刺骨。
The sun penetrated the thick foliage. 阳光透过茂密的树叶。
The foul odour penetrated the entire house. 臭味漫入整座屋子。
The rain penetrated my jacket. 雨水湿透了我的上衣。
No noise penetrated the room. 没有一点声音传入室内。
3. 伸入;进入;打入
The route penetrates the resort. 这条路通入度假胜地。
penetrate the territory of enemies 渗入敌人领土
penetrate an enemy organization 打入敌人组织
penetrate a market 打入市场
The bustle penetrated my sleep. 喧闹声扰了我的睡眠。
4. 透过…看见;识穿,看破
Their keen eyes can penetrate the water to a depth of forty feet. 他们锐利的眼睛能透过水面看到40英尺的深处。
Not many people managed to penetrate my disguise. 没有几个人能识破我的伪装。
5. 洞察,了解
It was a long time before scientists could penetrate the mystery of the atom. 很久以后科学家才洞悉原子的奥秘。
She could always be depended upon to penetrate what I was thinking. 任何时候她都能一一洞察我的思想活动。
penetrate a U-boat code 破译潜艇密码
6. 使充溢;打动
be penetrated with a desire 心中满怀着一种愿望
The whole country is penetrated with discontent. 全国到处怨声载道。
7. (性交时)把阴茎插入…的阴道
8. 美俚(偷偷地或未经许可)破门而入
1. 刺入,戳入;刺穿;穿过
This nail will not penetrate. 这枚钉子钉不进去。
2. 透入,渗入;透过;弥漫
The mist penetrated into the room. 雾气渗入室内。
You can hear him all over the building; he doesn't know how his voice penetrates. 整幢大楼都听见他的声音;他不知道自己嗓音有多么尖利。
3. 伸延;进入;打进
The news penetrated to all the distant country places. 消息传到了遥远的乡村。
She had never penetrated into high society. 她从来不曾挤入上流社会。
Secret agents penetrated into high government circles. 秘密特工打入了政界高层。
4. 识穿,看破;分辨
He strained his eyes to penetrate beyond the thick cloud of dust. 他竭力想透过密集的尘埃团看清那边的东西。
5. 洞察,了解;被了解
penetrate to the very heart of some problem 洞察某一问题的核心
penetrate into the causes of the phenomena 洞悉这些现象的起因
The new idea penetrated. 那个新概念弄懂了。
I heard what you said but it didn't penetrate. 你说的我听见了,可是不明白什么意思。
6. 打动人心,深入人心
Women's lib has not really penetrated here. 妇女解放运动在这里还没有真正深入人心。
[< L penetrāre < penitus deep within < penus store of food, storeroom, sanctuary of temple of Vesta]




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