释义 |
par·tic·i·pate /pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt, pə-/ vi. | vt. ❶ vi. 1. 参与,参加 (in) participate in class discussions 参加课堂讨论 In a modern democracy people want to participate more fully. 在民主政体中,人们要求更多的参与。 2. 分享,分担 (in, with) participate with sb. in his sufferings 与某人共患难 3. 含有,带有 (of) His poems participate of the nature of satire. 他的诗带有讽刺性。 ❷ vt. 分享,分担 participate sb.'s joy 分享某人的快乐 [< L participāre < PARS + capere to take] |