释义 |
par·take /pɑːˈteɪk, pə-/ vi. | vt. (-took /-ˈtʊk/, -tak·en /-ˈteɪkən/) ❶ vi. 1. 参加,参与 (in) They all partook in the final decision. 他们都参与了最后的决定。 How many workers are partaking in the firm's insurance plan? 有多少工人参加公司的保险计划? 2. 共享,分享;吃,喝 (of) I am delighted to have partaken of your success. 我很高兴分享了你的成功。 They partook of a simple meal. 他们一起吃了一顿简单的便饭。 We have a lot of wine here — will you partake? 我们这儿有的是酒,你也来喝一杯吗? Will you partake of the cold chicken? 你要吃些冻鸡吗? She had already partaken of tea. 她已经喝过茶了。 He partook of a bun. 他吃了一只小面包。 3. 带有(某种性质或特征等),有几分 (of) feelings partaking of both joy and sorrow 悲喜交集的感情 His manner partakes of insolence. 他的态度有些蛮横。 The experience partakes of a mystical quality. 这番经历颇有几分神秘色彩。 ❷ vt. 〈古〉 1. 参与;分享 2. 吃;喝 [partaker 的逆构]par·tak·a·blepar·take·a·ble a. |