

单词 part
释义 part /pɑːt/ n. | vt. | vi. | a. | ad. | phr.
I n.
1. 一部分,部分
a piece of marble which seems to be a part of a statue 好像是从雕像上掉下来的一块大理石
the latter part of 2005 2005 年的下半年
Which part of the book do you like best? 你最喜欢这本书的哪一部分?
We spent part of our holiday in France,and part in Germany. 我们的假期部分是在法国度过的,部分是在德国度过的。
He lost part of his fortune. 他失去了部分财产。
Part (或 A part) of the delegates have arrived. 部分代表已经到达。
Great (或 A great) part of the story is true. 故事的大部分情节是真实的。
Part (或 A part) of him wanted to die. 他有点儿想死。
2. 等分中的一份,…分之一
mix two parts flour to one part water 两份面粉配一份水混和
An hour is twenty-fourth part of a day. 1 小时是1天的 1/24。
3. 组成部分
We'll describe the various parts of the flower. 我们将要描述花的各个组成部分。
Dancing is part of what we teach. 舞蹈是我们教授内容之一。
4. 整除部分;部分分数;部分分式
an aliquot part 整除部分
5. (身体的)器官,部分; [parts] 外生殖器,阴部
the chief parts of the digestive system 消化系统的主要器官
6. (文学作品等的)部,篇;(长篇或多卷集著作中定期出版的)分册,分辑;(连播剧或连载小说等的)节,段;(电视连续剧的)
a book in three parts 分成 3 部分的书
7. 声部;分谱;(曲式中的)部,段
8. (机器等的)部件,零件
automobile parts 汽车部件
a group of workers who make parts for generators 制造发电机零件的一组工人
9. 份儿;职责,本分;作用
Have you any part in this fighting? 这次打架你有份吗?
I want no part of the making of this weapon. 我不想参与制造这种武器。
Everyone has to do his part. 人人都得尽自己的职责。
I had but a small part in these events. 在这些事件中我只起小小的作用。
10. 地区,区域;[parts] 远离家(或文明)的地方
in some parts of the world 在世界有些地区
I don't know this part of London very well. 我不太了解伦敦的这个地区。
Parts of this town are beautiful. 这座城市有几个区很美。
What's a girl like you doing in these parts? 像你这样的姑娘在这种地方干什么?
11. [parts] 才华
a man of many parts 才华横溢的人
12. (剧中的)角色;(剧中人物的)台词和动作;(演员用的)台词本
After an audition, he was offered a part in the play. 试演之后,他被分配担任剧中的一个角色。
I knew the part by heart. 我熟记这个角色的台词。
I've left my part on the stage. 我把台词本遗忘在台上了。
13. (头发的)分缝,头路(= parting)
14. (争论、交易等中的)一方

II vt.
1. 使分成几部分;使分裂
The stone was parted in pieces by a heavy blow. 石头被猛击而成碎块。
2. 使(缆索、锚链等)断裂
The strain parted the rope. 绳索因拉得太紧断了。
The ship parted her hawsers in the gale. 大风中,船的缆索断了。
3. 强使分开,使不接触;使分开
The policemen parted the crowd. 警察驱散了人群。
I walked to the window and parted the drapes. 我走到窗前,把窗帘往两边拉开。
His lips were parted in a half smile. 他张开嘴微微一笑。
until death do us part (婚誓用语)至死不分离
It would kill her to be parted from him for any length of time. 要她离开他,哪怕是再短的时间,也会要了她的命。
They two had been parted from each other years before. 他们俩多年前就断了联系。
4. (头发)往两边分开梳理
She has thin black hair parted in the middle. 她稀疏的黑发在中间分出头路。
5. (用化学方法等)使析出,使分解出
part gold from silver 从银中析出金
6. 英口使拿出(钱),使花(钱) (from)
He's not easily parted from his cash. 叫他拿出现钱不大容易。
A fool is soon parted from his money. 蠢人不积财。
7. 区分,辨别
part error from crime 把错误与罪行区分开来
8. 分配
9. 离开
10. 英方放弃
1. 分开;分成几部分;断裂
The curtains parted and the play began. 幕布拉开,戏开场了。
The road parts in the forest. 路在森林里分道。
The crowd parted and let him through. 人群闪开让他通过。
The clouds parted and the sun shone. 云散日出。
The seams parted when I washed the dress. 这件连衣裙在洗的时候裂缝了。
His lips parted in a delighted smile. 他咧开嘴高兴地笑了。
The cable suddenly parted. 缆索突然断裂。
2. 告别;分手,分别;中断联系,断绝关系
We parted in Warburton. 我们在沃伯顿分了手。
Let's part good friends. 让我们友好地分手吧。
The couple parted amicably. 这对夫妻客客气气地分了手。
3. 放弃
4. 离开;死去
5. 出钱,付款
6. 分发

III a.
I will give you a pound in part payment. 我会先给你 1 英镑作为部分支付。

IV ad.
Her mouth was part open. 她的嘴半张着。
This document is part fiction and part fact. 这份文件部分是虚构,部分是事实。
He was part right and part wrong. 他有些方面是对的,也有些方面是错的。
[< OFr partir < L partīre to divide < PARS]
phr. act a part = play a part
bear a part in (剧)中担任角色;参加(多声部合唱等)演出;参与,在…中有一份
discretion is the better part of valour 见 discretion
do one's part 尽自己的本分,尽自己一份力量
I've done my part. 我已尽了自己的力量。
for one's part 就个人来说,至于本人
I for my part still distrust you.就我来说,仍然不信任你。
His parents, for their parts, were very proud of him.就他父母就非常为他自豪。
for the most part 多半;通常;在极大程度上
The people of this town are, for the most part, quiet and well-behaved.这个镇上的人多半温文尔雅,彬彬有礼。
For the most part, he is honest.总的来说,他是诚实的。
have neither part nor lot in 未参与,与…毫不相干
in (…) part (…)部分,在(…)特定程度上
He failed in part because of his carelessness.他之所以失败,部分是由于粗心大意。
It was in large part a clay-like swamp.那儿大部分是烂泥状沼泽地。
Tom was only in small part responsible.汤姆只应负小部分责任。
My theory is perhaps one-sided, but certainly true in great part.我的理论或许是片面的,但肯定其中大部分是正确的。
His firm character accounted in good part for his success.他的坚强性格在很大程度上是他成功的缘由。
look the part 看上去样子像那种人
If he wasn't actually a thief he certainly looked the part. 即便他实际上并非小偷,但模样却够像了。
nine parts 十分之九
on the part of sb. (或 on sb.'s part) 1. 就某人而言,在某人一方;代表某人
There are still some doubts on the part of the employers.雇主方面仍心存怀疑。
A frank question on his part led to a frank answer on mine.他问题提得直率,因此我也回答得坦诚。
He expressed appreciation on the part of himself and his colleagues.他代表自己以及同事们表示感谢。
2. 某人所做的,某人有责任的
It was the lapse on the part of my wife.这是我妻子出的差错。
I consider this a gross oversight on your part. 我认为这是你的严重疏忽。
part and parcel 主要部分,必要部分
Human needs should be part and parcel of the whole planning and design process.人类的需要应该是整个规划和设计过程最基本的部分。
part brass rags 见 brass rags
part company (with) 见 company
part from 离开,向…告别;(使)与…分开
I parted from him at his lodgings.我在他的住所与他告别。
part with 1. 放弃
He is willing to part with his right to vote.他愿意放弃选举权。
2. 花掉;卖掉(尤指贱卖)
He hated to part with his money.他最不愿花钱。
In order to raise money she had to part with some of her jewels.为了筹款,她只好卖掉一些首饰。
3. 辞退
4. 离开,向…告别
play a part 1. 扮演角色;参与,起作用,有影响
Mrs.Grant always plays the leading part.格兰特太太总是扮演主角。
play an active part 积极参与
play a noble (an unworthy) part 行为高尚(卑劣)
The part I played was very small.我起的作用微不足道。
2. 装腔骗人
He may seem sure of himself, but he's just playing a part really.他看上去好像很有自信心,其实只是装腔。
play one's part 尽职,尽本分
I've played my part with enormous zest.我已经以极大的热忱尽到了本分。
take a part 扮演角色
He will take the part of Hamlet.他将扮演哈姆雷特。
take ... in bad(或 evil) part 对…见怪,很不乐意地接受
I will not take anything you say in bad part. 你怎么讲我都不会见怪。
take ... in good part 欣然接受,对…不见怪
I hope you will take the advice in good part. 我希望你能愉快地接受劝告。
take part (in) 参加(…),参与(…)
I'm sure she would like to come and take part. 我肯定她是想来参加的。
He takes part in many student activities.他参加许多学生活动。
take sb.'s part (或 take the part of sb., take part with sb.) 站在某人一边,支持某人;袒护某人
Her father had ill-treated her mother;she took her mother's part.她父亲虐待她母亲,她站在母亲一边护卫她。
His mother always takes his part. 他母亲总是袒护他。
the best part of…的绝大部分
The men stayed out for the best part of a year.人们继续了近一年时间的罢工。
the better part of …的大部分,…的大半
He stared for the better part of a minute.他凝视了足有半分多钟。
I took the better part of valour and ran.我鼓足勇气狂奔。
the ninth part of a man 裁缝
three parts 四分之三
On the table was a scotch bottle, three parts empty.桌子上有瓶苏格兰威士忌,尚余四分之一。




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