释义 |
pa·per /ˈpeɪpə(r)/ n. | a. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 纸 a sheet of paper 一张纸 I need paper and a pen to write a letter. 我需要纸和笔来写封信。 The papers the factory produces are of excellent grade. 该厂生产的各种纸品均质地优良。 2. 文件 My secretary brought some papers for me to sign. 秘书拿来一些文件要我签署。 Always file important papers as soon as they have been dealt with. 重要文件一俟处理完毕总应立即归档。 3. 包装纸;卷烟纸;(装有东西的)纸包,纸板 She wrapped the book in brown paper. 她用棕色纸把书包起来。 a paper of chocolates 一纸包巧克力 a paper of pins 一纸板别针 4. 报纸;出版物,期刊 His picture is in today's paper. 他的照片刊登在今天的报纸上。 5. 文章;论文 deliver (read) a paper on disturbances in the earth's magnetic field 发表(宣读)一篇关于地球磁场干扰的论文 6. 书面作业;作文;试卷(可指试题或答卷) His paper was well received by the class. 他的作文受到班级好评。 a copy of the examination paper 一份试卷 The teacher is reading John's history paper. 老师正在批阅约翰的历史考卷。 7. 纸币;【经】有价证券;流通票据;商业票据 a pocketful of paper 一口袋钞票 8. [papers] 身份证件;船证,船照 citizenship papers 公民身份证件 9. [papers] (个人、家族等的)书信文件集 the Lincoln papers 林肯书信文件集 10. 纸性材料(如纸莎草纸、塑料纸、锡箔等);制型纸板 11. 糊墙纸 12. (戏院等的)门票;免费入场券;免费入场观众 The paper at the box office is all sold. 售票处票全卖光了。 The house was filled with paper. 剧场里满是凭赠券入场的观众。 13. 纸面装订本,平装本 14. 〈俚〉广告宣传单 15. 〈俚〉有记号的纸牌 16. 文书工作 paper and red tape 繁文缛节
II a. 1. 纸质的;纸板(或制型纸)做的 a paper plane 纸飞机 a paper fan 纸扇 2. 似纸的,薄的;【纺】(整理后)挺薄如纸的 These apartments have paper walls. 这些公寓房间的墙壁单薄。 paper taffeta 硬挺塔夫绸 3. 纸上的,未实施的;有名无实的,停留在理论上的 a paper promise 一纸空文的保证 a paper blockade 名义上的封锁 4. 以书面形式进行的,书面往来的;文书工作的 paper battles 笔战 5. 作为纸币发行的 6. 持免费入场券的 a paper audience 免费入场的观众 7. (书)纸面的,平装的
III ❶ vt. 1. 用墙纸裱糊 paper a room (in) green 用绿色墙纸裱糊房间 2. 用纸包起 3. 用砂纸把…打光 4. 为…提供纸张 5. 〈古〉在纸上写下,在纸上记录下;书面描述 6. 〈俚〉发免费入场券使(剧场等)满座 7. 张贴广告于(地区) ❷ vi. 1. 贴糊墙纸 2. 〈美俚〉发交通违章传票 He complained that the patrolmen were not papering enough. 他抱怨说巡警不曾发出足够的交通违章传票。 [< OFr papier < PAPYRUS] phr. commit sth. to paper 把某事记录下来 commit to paper an enormous wealth of experience and thinking 把丰富的经验和思想记录下来 lay paper 〈美俚〉开空头支票;用假钞票 make the papers 因被登报而变得声名远扬 (或臭名昭著) not worth the paper it is (或 they are) written (或 printed) on 毫无价值;无效 on paper 1. 在纸上,以书面形式 put one's suggestions down on paper 把建议写下来 2. 在理论上;据书面 (统计)材料 The plan looks good on paper.这计划在理论上似乎不错。On paper he is the better man.从书面材料看,两人中他比较好。3. 在初级阶段,在计划中 Most of the schemes exist only on paper. 大多数方案仅停留在纸面而未实施。4. 据票面价值 On paper he was worth nearly a million dollars.从票面金额估计,他拥有近百万美元。paper over 1. 用纸覆盖 They papered over the cracks in the wall.他们用墙纸盖住墙缝。2. 掩盖,掩饰 Our differences were too wide to paper over. 我们之间的分歧太大,无法掩盖。peddle one's papers 〈美俚〉不管闲事;走开 I told him to go peddle his papers. 我叫他走开,别管闲事。put pen to paper 着手写,下笔 send in one's papers 〈英〉(军官等)提出辞呈 set a paper 出试题 set a history paper 出历史试题 |