释义 |
bare·faced /ˈbeəfeɪst/ a. 1. 厚颜无耻的 a barefaced lie 厚颜无耻的谎言 2. 脸上无覆盖物的;不戴面具的;没有胡须的 3. 不加掩饰的,公然露骨的 a barefaced mockery of the upstart 对暴发户的公然嘲弄 It's nothing short of barefaced robbery to charge this much. 要价这么高,真是无异于赤裸裸的抢劫了。 4. 坦率的 He never slandered personalities, but he was barefaced about facts as he saw them. 他从不臧否人物,可是对所见到的事实却直言不讳。
bare·fac·ed·ly-feɪstlɪ,-feɪsɪdlɪ ad. bare·fac·ed·ness-feɪstnɪs,-feɪsɪdnɪs n. |