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pair /peə(r)/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I ([复] pair(s)) n. 1. 一双,一对,一副 a pair of socks 一双袜子 a pair of pajamas 一套睡衣裤 a sharp pair of eyes 一双敏锐的眼睛 Dragonflies have two pairs of wings. 蜻蜓有两对翅膀。 These two gloves are not a pair —one is leather and one is wool. 这两只手套不是一副——一只是皮的,一只是羊毛的。 This pair of shoes is not on sale. 这双鞋不出售。 Two pairs of footsteps sounded from the hall. 大厅里响起了两个人的脚步声。 2. (由两个相同部分组成的)一条,一把 another pair of trousers (cotton shorts) 另一条裤子(布短裤) a pair of pliers (scissors) 一把钳子(剪刀) 3. 一对夫妇;已订婚的一对;一对情侣 the newly married pair 新婚夫妇 That pair are on very good terms with each other. 那一对夫妇关系非常好。 They've always been a devoted pair. 他们俩一直相亲相爱。 4. (动物)交配的一对 5. 并排驾车的两匹马 a carriage and pair 双驾马车 6. 一对舞伴;【体】双打球员 7. 相似(或相关)的两个人(或动物);〈俚〉令人讨厌的一对 a pair of twins 一对孪生儿 a pair of slugs 双发子弹 a pair of horses 双马 You are a fine pair coming as late as this! 你们俩来得这么晚,真是一对活宝! 8. (立法机构中)相约(对某议案或在某段时间)放弃投票权的敌对两党的两名议员;敌对两党两议员间(对某议案)放弃投票权的约定 9. (牌戏中的)对子(指两张同点的牌);(打牌时的)搭档 hold a pair of threes 手中有一对3 10. 【板】(击球员的)两局得零分 bag (或 get, make) a pair 两局中击球得零分 11. (成对物的)另一只 Where is the pair to this sock? 另一只短袜在哪里? 12. 〈方〉(楼梯等的)一段 a pair of stairs (steps) 一段楼梯(梯级) 13. 〈方〉(珠子、项链等的)一串;一套 a pair of beads 一串珠子 14. 【物】对,偶 15. 双桨艇 16. 〈俚〉〈粗〉一对奶子
II ❶ vt. 1. 使成对;使成配偶;使交配 pair the shoes 把鞋子配成对 Her gloves were neatly paired in a drawer. 她的手套一副副整齐地放在抽屉里。 2. 把…组成一对一对 pair dancers for the gavotte 把跳舞的人组成一对对来跳加伏特舞 3. 为…配搭档,为…提供合作者(with) be paired with a famous movie star 与一著名影星联袂演出 4. 使(敌对两党的两名议员)组成对某议案不投票的一对 Eighteen members were paired for the last vote. 在最后一次表决中有18名议员相约不参加投票。 5. 〈美〉使(两所或多所邻近学校)的黑人学生和白人学生同校学习 ❷ vi. 1. 成对,配对 These geese paired for life. 这些大雁终生配对。 a shoe that doesn't pair 无法配对的一只鞋 2. 配合,合作 3. 组成一对一对 4. (动物)交配 5. 结婚 6. (与反对党一议员)约定(对某议案)不参加投票 A Labour member has paired with a Conservative member. 一工党议员已与一保守党议员相约不参加投票。 [< OFr paire < L paria equal (things) < pār equal] phr. another pair of shoes 见 shoe I have only one pair of hands. 〈口〉我只有一双手。(意指腾不出手来做别的事) in pairs 成对地,成双地 The children come in in pairs. 孩子们两个两个地走进来。 pair off1. 把…分成一对一对;组成一对一对 She paired off her guests by age and tastes.她根据年龄和口味把客人们分成一对一对。 They paired off for the next dance.他们组成一对对准备跳下一个舞。 The young people paired off to disappear in the bushes.年轻人成对地消失在灌木丛中。 2. (使)交配 pair off the animals 使动物交配 the season when most birds pair off 大多数鸟类的交配期 3. 使成对;〈口〉结婚;与…结婚 (with) pair the two young people off 撮合这两个年轻人结成一对 The two eventually paired off. 他们俩终于结了婚。 4. 配对,合作 (with) Jane paired off with Alice in a tennis doubles match.在网球双打比赛中简与艾丽斯配对。 I paired off with an old friend.我与一位老朋友合作。 pair up 1. 使组成对;使成对手,使成搭档 When she finished the mending, she paired up the socks.她补好袜子后把它们一双双放好。 In the contest he was paired up with an opponent about his equal.在比赛中,他被安排跟一个与他实力不相上下的人对阵。 2. 成对,成搭档 (with) Not all the gloves would pair up. 手套不全成对。 Joe paired up with Charlie to work on the lesson.乔与查利一起做功课。 3. (使)交配 Cranes take from four to seven years to mature before they pair up. 鹤要4至7年发育成熟才交配。 show a clean pair of heels 见 heel¹ |
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