

单词 own¹
释义 own¹ /əʊn/ a. | n. | phr.
I a.

1. 自己的;属于自己的
My own view is that there are no serious problems. 我个人认为不存在严重问题。
Bring your own tennis racket. 带上你自己的网球拍。
2. 具有自己特点的,特有的
Each city has its own peculiarities. 每一个城市都有各自的特色。
3. 为自己所用的;自己做的
The old woman always buys her own needs. 这老妇人的生活必需品都是自己上街买的。
They will be expected to make their own beds. 将要求他们铺自己的床。

II n.
My time isn't my own. 我无法支配我自己的时间。
I said what about lunch, and he said, oh, get your own. 我说吃中饭怎么样,他说,哦,你自己去吃吧。
The villagers took the actor as one of their own. 村民们把那个男演员当作自己人。
[< OE āgen < āgan to have; 与 Osax ēgan, OHG eigan, ON eiginn 有关;见 OWE]
phr. be one's own man 自主行事,敢做敢为
call sth. one's own 声称某物为自己所有
come into one's own 1. 合理取得属于自己的东西(如声誉、荣誉等)
John will come into his own if the firm needs an interpreter because he can speak many languages.假如那家公司需要翻译的话,约翰将能发挥所长,因为他会讲多种语言。
2. 进入繁盛期,开始盛行
Opera finally has come into its own in that country.歌剧终于在那个国家流行开来。
for one's very own (尤指给予孩子的东西)归自己的,不分享的
get one's own back (on sb.) 见 back¹
hold one's own 1. 坚守住,不退让
It assisted them to hold their own against the attacks.这帮助他们抵挡住进攻。
2. 保持力量;维持原有健康状况,不衰退
The patient is holding her own.病人情况没有恶化。
The stock market seems to be holding its own these days.这几天股市似乎情况变化不大。
3. 与…相匹敌,是…的对手 (with)
Peter can hold his own with any of the boys.彼得可以和任何一个男孩比高低。
make one's own (某人、某事物)看作是属于自己的
of one's own 属于自己的
Mary has a way of her own in such matters.对于这一类事情,玛丽有她自己的一套办法。
This type of glass has a colour and character all of its own.这种玻璃具有其特有的颜色和性能。
on one's own 1. 独立地,靠自己的力量
We can't solve this problem all on our own.没有别人的帮助我们无法解决这一问题。
2. 独自地
I may get lost on my own.我单独一个人去可能会迷路。
3. 主动地;自愿地
Little Tommy hates baths.I can't believe he would like one on his own.小汤米讨厌洗澡,我不相信他会主动去洗澡。




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