

单词 bang¹
释义 bang¹ /bæŋ/ n. | vi. | vt. | ad. | int. | phr.
I n.
1. (突发的)巨响;枪声;爆炸声
2. 核爆炸
3. 轰声(以声速或超声速飞行的飞机或其他物体所产生的冲击波噪声)
4. (发出砰一声的)猛击;猛撞
give the drum a bang 把鼓猛擂一下
He received an awful bang on the head. 他头部砰地狠狠撞上什么东西。
5. 劲儿,活力
There's no bang left in him. 他一点劲儿也没了。
6. 美口刺激,快感,乐趣
get a bang out of baseball 从棒球运动中得到乐趣
7. 吗啡(或其他毒品)的注射
a bang in the arm 在手臂上的一针麻醉毒品注射
8. 性交
9. 美俚感叹号

II vi.
1. 发出砰的一声;砰砰作响
The door banged open (shut). 门砰地开 (关)了。
My heart is banging in my ears. 在我的耳朵里响着砰砰的心跳声。
2. (砰砰)猛击;猛撞
bang at (或 on) a door 砰砰打门
bang against a door 撞在门上
3. 奔,冲;轰然而过
We grabbed our coats and banged down the stairs. 我们抓起上衣,奔下楼梯。
a bomber banging across the sky 隆隆飞过天空的轰炸机
4. 性交
1. 砰地敲(或推、扔)
bang a drum 嘭嘭擂鼓
He banged the door shut. 他砰地把门关上。
bang a book down 砰地把书扔下
2. 猛击;猛撞;撞伤
bang sb. on the head with sth. 用某物猛击某人头部
bang one's head against the wall 以头撞墙
He fell and banged his knee. 他摔倒在地,撞伤了膝盖。
3. 粗手重脚地摆弄,乒乒乓乓地搬动
The movers banged the mirror and broke it. 搬运工粗手重脚地搬镜子,结果把它打碎了。
4. 和…性交
5. 超过
Don't it just bang anything you ever heard of? 这事对你说来难道不是闻所未闻?

III ad.
1. 砰然;猛烈地;蓦地
Bang went the fireworks. 焰火砰地爆开了。
The drunken driver drove bang into the store window. 醉醺醺的司机开车砰地撞进商店的橱窗。
Bang went my hopes of success. 我成功的希望一下子破灭了。
2. 正着;直接地;完全地
The square is bang in the centre of the town. 广场恰好位于城市的中心。
a bomb dropped bang on the target 正着目标的炸弹
The third edition of the dictionary seems bang up to date. 这部词典的第三版看来完全反映了语言的最新发展。

IV int.

Bang! Bang!” shouted the boys in imitation of gunfire. 男孩们高喊“砰!砰!”模仿着枪声。
[< ON banga to pound, hammer]
phr. bang about (或 around) 1. 乒乒乓乓地闹腾
2. 粗手重脚地四处搬动
a package badly banged around by the post office 在邮局被胡乱扔来丢去的包裹
3. 一忽儿干这一忽儿干那;闲荡
bang away 1. 连续发出砰砰声
A brass band is banging away in the park. 铜管乐队在公园里吹吹打打。
2. 努力干
He's banging away at his homework. 他正埋头做家庭作业。
3. 连续射击;坚持不懈地进攻
The militiamen are banging away at the intruders. 民兵们噼噼啪啪连续向入侵者射击。
4. 连续无度性交
bang(ed) to rights 当场
be caught bang(ed) to rights 被当场抓获
bang in 1. 使劲把…推进去
The driver banged the clutch in. 司机用力把离合器杆推进去。
2. 把…关进牢房
bang it up 注射吗啡 (或其他毒品)
bang off立刻,马上
bang on 英俚完全正确;完全符合要求;十分恰当;极好
Your answer's bang on. 你的回答完全正确。
I'd been to Brighton for a holiday, and I think it was bang on. 我去布赖顿度了假,我认为过得极好。
bang out
1. 响亮地奏出 (音乐等)
The kitchen clock banged out twelve. 厨房的钟敲了12下。
2. (用打字机) 匆匆打出 (演讲稿等)
bang up
1. 砰地把…放好
bang up a receiver 砰地把电话听筒放回机座
2. 撞坏
My car was banged up in the accident. 在这次事故中,我的汽车被撞坏了。
3. 美俚注射 (吗啡等毒品);给自己注射毒品
bang up on heroin 给自己注射海洛因
the bang for the buck 美俚花钱换得的价值
with a bang
1. 砰的一声,砰地
explode with a bang 砰一声爆炸
2. 突然
The idea hit him with a bang. 他蓦地想到了这个主意。
3. 猛烈地;一鼓作气地;热烈地
The monsoon began with a bang. 季风猛地刮了起来。
Economic cooperation between the two countries started with a bang a year ago. 一年前两国之间的经济合作顺利开展了。




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