释义 |
out /aʊt/ ad. | a. | n. | vt. | vi. | prep. | int. | phr. I ad. 1. 出;向外;向室外 Get out at once. 马上出去。 The lift doors opened and they stepped out into the empty foyer. 电梯门打开,他们走出来进入空无一人的大厅。 They sent three fire engines out. 他们派出3辆消防车。 The water rushed out. 水涌出。 She opened a box and took out a cigarette. 她打开一只盒子,取出一支香烟。 He drew out all his savings. 他取出全部存款。 pour out wine 倒酒 She stared out at the train. 她朝外凝视列车。 I just slipped out for a packet of fags. 我刚才溜出去买包香烟。 Boys, come out and play. 孩子们,到外面来玩吧。 2. 在外;在室外;不在家;不在办公室(或工作单位) It was snowing out, you'd better bring your raincoat with you. 外面正下雪,你最好把雨衣带着。 board out 在外搭伙 have an evening out 在外度过一个夜晚 We don't go out much. 我们不常外出。 3. 离开城市;离开国家 I don't want to live any further out. 我不想迁居到更远的地方去。 go out to Africa 出国去非洲 4. 离岸,向外海 They rowed out to the ship. 他们离岸划向那艘轮船。 5. 离开正常位置 He put out his shoulder at football practice. 他在练足球时肩膀脱了臼。 6. 出现;显露;问世 A rash came out on her arm. 她的手臂上发出皮疹。 Their secret got out. 他们的秘密泄露了。 She has now brought out a second album. 现在她已录制了第二张唱片。 7. 在活动中 Riots broke out. 发生暴乱。 8. 昏迷着;熟睡着 She passed out at the sight of blood. 她一看到血就昏过去了。 He went out like a light. 他一下子就昏睡过去了。 9. 去掉 wash out the dirty marks 洗去污渍 The graffiti were painted out. 涂鸦被用油漆涂掉了。 She brushed out the wrinkles in her dress. 她用刷子刷平连衫裙上的皱处。 10. 完全地;彻底地;从头至尾地;有效地 Please hear me out. 请听我说完。 argue it out 辩论个水落石出 She had her cry out. 她哭够了。 Let little Tom have his sleep out. 让小汤姆睡个够。 wait until it dries out 等它干透 work the problem out 解决这个问题 11. 大声地,出声地 Read out the names. 把名字念出来。 The bells rang out. 钟声响起。 She let out a shriek. 她尖叫一声。 12. (租)出,(借)出;(挑)出 rent out rooms 出租房间 She picked out a new coat. 她挑了一件新的外衣。 13. 向他人 hand out pamphlets 分发小册子 Howard gives out drinks to all the guests. 霍华德向所有来宾送饮料。 deal out cards 发牌 14. 成开放状态 spread out the cloth 摊开布料 She stretched herself out on the sofa. 她伸开手脚躺在沙发上。 15. 殆尽,至灭绝 The sugar's run out. 糖已用完。 Pump the well out. 把井水抽干。 The fire's gone out. 火已熄灭。 16. 脱漏地 leave a word out 漏掉一个词 17. (花)盛开着 Spring flowers have come out earlier than usual this year. 今年春天花开得早。 18. 在罢工中 The longshoremen went out for higher wages. 码头工人开始罢工,要求增加工资。 19. 进入在野状态 vote sb. out 投票使某人落选下台 20. 进入社交界 Lucinda had a fabulous party when she came out. 露辛达进入社交界时举行了一次盛大的宴会。 21. (陪审团退庭审议裁决时)不在庭上 22. 〈口〉[用于最高级形容词后]迄今为止;存在着 the friendliest dog out 从未有过的最亲切温顺的狗 23. (拳击赛中)完(裁判员数到10时的用语) 24. 【棒】出局
II a. 1. 不可能的;不能接受的;不值得考虑的 She had hoped that he might become a doctor, but that was out. 她曾经希望他能成为一个医生,但这是不可能了。 These last two proposals seem definitely out. 最后的这两项提议看来肯定是行不通了。 2. 不允许的,不准的 Smoking on duty is out. 值班期间不准吸烟。 3. 不执政的,在野的;下台的 a member of the out party 在野党的一员 The Republicans are out, the Democrats in. 共和党下台,民主党上台。 He was out because he was defeated in the election. 他在选举中被击败,下台了。 4. 不在家的;不在办公室(或工作单位)的;缺席的 The folks are out tonight. 家里人今天晚上不在家。 The new student was out because of sickness. 那个新学生因病缺席。 5. 错误的,不准确的 He is badly out in his reckoning. 他计算严重失误。 A: Over sixty-five, isn't she? B: You're quite out there! She's still under sixty-five. 甲:她已过65岁了吧? 乙:你完全猜错了!她还不到65岁。 My watch is two minutes out. 我的表差了两分钟。 6. (经济上)损失的,亏蚀的 I am out fifty dollars. 我损失了50美元。 7. 〈口〉不流行的,不时髦的,过时的 That sort of dress is out these days. 那种服装现在不时兴了。 8. 破的;穿得露底的 be out at the knees 膝部破了 9. 出故障的;失修的 The road is out beyond this point. 这条路过了这一段就不能通行了。 The elevator is out. 电梯坏了。 10. (灯等)熄灭的 The fire has been out for hours. 火熄了好几个小时了。 11. 昏迷的 He was out for two hours. 他昏迷了两小时。 Two drinks and he's usually out. 他通常只要两杯酒落肚就烂醉如泥。 12. 耗尽的 Our supplies are completely out. 我们贮存的物品已全部用完了。 13. (花)盛开的;(植物)开花的;(鸡雏等)孵出的 The roses are just out. 玫瑰花刚开。 14. 罢工的 We've been out for two and a half months. 我们已罢工两个半月之久。 15. 结束的,终了的 They had sold over a million copies before the year was out. 他们在年终之前已售出100万册以上。 16. 缺少的,没有的 We had some but now we're out. 我们曾经有一些,但我们现在没有了。 17. (由于久不练习而)不熟练的 His backhand is out. 他的反手击球技术已荒疏了。 18. 超大的 19. 得不到的;不多的 Mums are out till next fall. 菊花要到明年秋天再开了。 20. 关的 the out position on the dial 刻度盘上“关”的位置 21. 外面的;外围的 the out surface of a ship's hull 船壳的外表面 the out edge 外缘 22. 往外去的;开往外地的 an out flight 飞往外地的班机 There is a through train to Paris; it's due out at 8:50. 有一班开往巴黎的直达火车,定于8点50分开出。 23. (比赛)在客方场地进行的,客场的 24. (棒球、垒球等中)出局的;(网球等中)(球)界外的 The ball was declared out. 这个球被判为界外球。 25. 〈美俚〉吸引人的;跟上潮流的,时髦的 26. 〈美口〉公开同性恋身份的
III n. 1. [常作 outs] 在野派;在野者 2. 〈主美〉脱身之计,出路;推脱的借口 You've got only one out, which is to lie like hell. 你只有信口胡说谎言连篇才能脱身。 He always left himself an out. 他总给自己留着出路。 She didn't want to go, but she couldn't think of an out. 她不想去,但想不出托辞。 3. 没有地位的人;无权的人 4. 瑕疵;缺点 5. 突出物(如突出的拐角) 6. 外面;外部 7. 外表 make a poor out of it 出洋相 8. 脱销货 The packing list is noted for changes in quantities and outs. 装箱单上注明货物数量和脱销货的变化情况。 9. [outs] 〈英〉付出款(尤指税款) 10. 〈英方〉外出;短途旅游 take a late evening out 晚上很晚外出 Us London lawyers don't often get an out. 我们在伦敦当律师的不是经常有短途旅游机会的。 11. 【印】漏排;漏排的词 12. (棒球、垒球等中的)出局;出局者 tag out 触杀 13. (网球等中的)界外球
IV ❶ vt. 1. 驱逐,赶出 They did their best to out him. 他们竭尽全力把他撵走。 2. 使熄灭 Please out the fire. 请把火灭掉。 3. 〈英俚〉(拳击中)击倒,击昏 4. 伸出 out oars and pull hard 把桨伸出船外用力划 5. (在板球等中)使(击球员)出局;淘汰 6. 〈口〉揭露(名人等)的同性恋身份 ❷ vi. 1. 出去;出来;作短途旅游 2. 暴露;公布;成为人所共知 The truth will out. 真相终将大白。 3. (网球等中)打球出界 That tall player outed and lost the game. 那个高个子选手把球打出界,输了那场球。
V prep. 1. 从…里面 I could see out the window. 我可以望到窗外。 run out the door 跑出门去 2. 〈口〉沿着…的路线 Let's drive out the old parkway. 我们沿着这条熟悉的林荫道驶下去吧。 3. [通常用在 from 之后]〈诗〉从…中出来 From out the woods came a melody. 从树林中传过来一首乐曲。
VI int. 1. 走开,滚蛋 2. 通话完毕(无线电通话用语) 3. 〈古〉[表示愤怒、斥责、厌恶等]呸,可耻 Out upon you! 呸! [<OE ūt; 与 OS, ON ūt, OHG ūz, Ger aus 有关] phr. all out 见 all at (the) outs (with sb.) = on the outs (with sb.) be out for一心谋求,力图获得 I am not out for power. 我并不追求权势。 She is out for blood. 她想杀人。 from out to out 从一端到另一端 the width of the building from out to out 建筑物两端间的宽度 have it out (with sb.) 见 have ins and outs 见 in on the outs (with sb.) 〈美口〉(与某人)不和,(与某人)关系不好 She is on the outs with a childhood buddy. 她和一个童年时的好友闹翻了。 Are you two on the outs? 你们俩是不是吵架了? out and about (尤指病人在病愈后)能够外出走动 Mr. White had a bad cold about a week ago, and he is out and about this morning. 怀特先生大约一星期以前患重感冒,今天早晨他能够出来走走了。 out and away 远远地,大大地 She's out and away the cleverest girl in our class. 她绝对是我们班上最优秀的学生。 out and home 1. 往返,来回 2. (体育比赛等)轮流在客场和主场举行的 out and out 完全的(地),彻头彻尾的(地),不折不扣的(地) She knows English out and out. 她精通英语。 out cold 〈口〉失去知觉的(地),昏迷的(地) The stone hit Jack in the head and knocked him out cold for several minutes. 石头击中了杰克的头,把他打昏了好几分钟。 I don't remember her leaving. I was out cold. 我不记得她什么时候离开的;那时我失去知觉了。 out for 想,渴望 She was out for a good time. 她想开心地玩一次。 out from under 〈口〉脱离困境(尤指经济上的困境),脱离危难 The bankrupt tried to get out from under but he couldn't make it. 那个破产者试图摆脱困难,但没有成功。 out of 1. 从…里面 take a piece of chalk outof the box 从盒子里拿出一支粉笔 walk out of the room 从房间里面走出 2. 从…中;从…身上 We don't get great pleasure out of it. 我们没有从中得到多大的乐趣。 in nine cases out of ten 十之八九 You won't get any sympathy out of him. 你怎么也得不到他的同情。 3. 离开,脱离 Fish cannot live out of water. 鱼离了水就不能活。 In another year he will be out of the army. 他再过一年将离开军队。 The patient is not yet out of danger. 那病人尚未脱离危险。 4. 缺乏,没有 We are out of sugar. 我们的糖用完了。 I quickly explained that my car was out of gasoline. 我赶忙解释说我车上的汽油耗尽了。 5. 在(或越出)…之外 John walked out of hearing. 约翰走远了,叫不应了。 The eagle soared out of sight. 雄鹰翱翔,飞得无影无踪。 6. 丧失;放弃 cheat sb. out of his money 骗走某人的钱 The policeman talked the man out of jumping from the top of the building. 警察说服那男子不要从屋顶上跳下来。 7. 来自;出生于 And you think the murderer was someone out of her past? 你认为凶手是她旧日的某一熟人吗? a colt out of a good dam 一匹强壮母马生出的小马驹 8. 用…(制成) We make many things out of bamboo. 我们用竹子做成许多东西。 a small basket formed out of wire 用铁丝编成的小篮 9. 由于,出于 I said this out of kindness. 我说这句话出于好意。 The new law came out of Government's concern over rising house prices. 由于政府对房价上升的关注而产生了这项新法案。 10. 从事…;依靠…的收入(为生) make a living out of teaching 以教书为生 11. 被淘汰,失去参赛资格 out of it 〈口〉 1. 没(被邀)加入的,不知情的,在局外的;(因未被邀而)闷闷不乐的,感到向隅的 Mary felt out of it as she watched the others set out on picnic. 当玛丽看到别人出发去野餐时,因自己未被邀参加而感到难过。 2. 〈英〉神志不清醒的;酒醉的;深度迷醉的 3. 〈美〉头脑不清楚的,糊涂的 4. 不熟悉情况的;背时的,不合潮流的 He's a nice guy, but he's out of it. 他是个不错的小伙子,但有点背时。 5. 淘汰的 If our team loses two more games, we'll be out of it. 如果我队再输两场,我们将被淘汰。 out on one's feet 〈美〉 1. (拳击手等被打得)晕头转向但未倒下 2. 筋疲力尽 out to do sth. 决心做某事,力图做某事 You might feel that they're out to use your house as a free hotel. 你可能感到他们一心想把你的住房当作不用花钱的旅馆使用。 out to it 〈澳口〉沉睡的;无知觉的 out with 1. 说出;拿出 Out with your suspicions! 把你的怀疑都说出来! He outs with his money. 他把钱拿了出来。 2. 赶出(尤指讨人嫌者) Out with him! 把他赶出去! 3. 与…不和 If you are out with him, then I shall not visit him. 如果你和他有疙瘩的话,那我就不去看他了。 out with it 说出来,想什么说什么 You're worrying about something, aren't you? Come on, out with it! 你在为什么事发愁,是吗?得了,说出来好啦! Out you go! 出去! |