

单词 order
释义 or·der /ˈɔːdə(r)/ n. | vt. | vi. | int. | phr.
I n.
1. 次序,顺序
The names are not in alphabetical order. 名字未按字母顺序排列。
He listed the items in order of importance. 他把各项目按重要性列出。
Decide in what order the rooms will be cleaned. 把打扫这些房间的先后次序决定下来。
2. 整齐,有条理
He has a great love of order. 他极爱整齐。
bring some order into the way the factory is managed 使工厂管理稍有条理
She had order in her life now. 这下,她生活安排得有条理了。
Get your ideas into order before beginning to write. 开始写作之前先把思想理一理。
3. 工作(或健康等)状况
The computer is in working order. 这台计算机运转正常。
His financial affairs were in good order. 他的经济情况良好。
Things were in terrible order. 情况极糟。
4. 通例,常规;(尤指自然界的)法则
the order of nature 自然的规律
Stress is the everyday order of life. 紧张成了生活中日复一日的常规。
5. 治安,秩序;制度
maintain public order 维持治安
Without order, stability is impossible. 没有治安,就不可能有稳定。
forces of order 治安部队
restore order after a riot 暴乱后恢复秩序
the evils of the old order 旧制度的种种罪恶
changes in the established order 现存制度的变革
6. (议会、会议等的)程序,规程
7. [常作orders]命令;指示;嘱咐
orders from headquarters 司令部的命令
obey orders 服从命令
George went away to carry out this order. 乔治去执行这项命令。
He gave orders that the prisoners (should) be set free. 他命令释放犯人。
The captain gave the order for the crew to get ready to bail out. 机长命令乘员准备跳伞。
She put six hamburgers on the griddle at Bud's order. 她照巴特的吩咐把6个汉堡包放到铁烤盘里。
Take your medicine: it's doctor's orders. 把药吃下去,这是医嘱。
8. 法院决议,法院指令
a custody order 法院的羁押指令
a back-to-work court order against striking miners 法院命令罢工矿工复工的指令
9. 汇票,汇单
Each order is for one week's pension in advance. 每张汇票都用来预付一星期的退休金。
10. 队形,序列
battle order 战斗序列
11. 定购;定货;定货量;定单
online orders 网上定购
They have placed an order with the Boeing Company for 30 new middle-size airliners. 他们已向波音公司订购30架中型新客机。
execute an order promptly 迅速交付定货
a letter from the shop saying we could come and collect our order at once 通知我们可立即去提货的商店来信
A waiter came to take their order. 一位服务员走过来请他们点菜。
Has the waitress brought your order? 那位女服务员已给你上菜了吗?
two orders of mashed potatoes 两份土豆泥
The merchant received a large order for coal. 那商人接到一份要求大量供应煤炭的定单。
12. 种类
a different order of ideas 不同类的思想
Her singing talent is of the highest order. 她的歌唱天才超群。
considerations of quite another order 从完全不同的角度出发的考虑
Carnivora, Primates, and Rodentia are three orders of the class Mammalia. 食肉目、灵长目和啮齿目是属于哺乳纲的三个目。
14. (土壤分类的)
15. [常作orders]社会等级;阶级;阶层;界
the higher (lower) orders(下)层社会
all orders and degrees of men 各阶层的人
the military order 军界
the clerical order 神职人员社会
16. 品级,神品
the order of priests 牧师品级
17. (九级天使中的)
18. [orders] 圣职,牧师职;授圣职礼
go into orders 担任圣职(尤指牧师)
19. 仪式,祭礼;仪式执行方式
the order of baptism 浸礼式
20. [常作O-](天主教会等的)修道会
the Benedictine Order 本笃会
the Franciscan Order 方济各会
We felt we needed to found an order like that. 我们觉得需要创建一个这样的修道会。
21. 骑士团
the Order of Knights Templars 圣殿骑士团
22. 勋爵士团;[O-]勋位;勋章
23. 兄弟会,会社
the Order of Masons 共济会
24. 风气;风尚;流行式样;趋势
Flat roofs were the order in the small villages. 平屋顶是小村子中流行的建筑风格。
25. 主英(博物馆、剧场等的)免费入场券,参观券
26. 许可证,授权证明书
an order to view (购房前的)看房许可证
27. 柱型,柱式
the Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian orders of Greek architecture 希腊建筑的多利斯、爱奥尼亚和科林斯柱型
Tom is a combination of the characteristics of the three boys, he belongs to the composite order of architecture. 汤姆融合了那3个男孩的特点,他属于混合型。
28. 阶,级;序,次序
29. = order of magnitude
30. 定序形式(如 quack 一词中词首只能是 qua 而不可能是 uaq 或 uqa)
31. 合适的行动(或措施)
take order to do sth. 采取适当手段做某事

II vt.
1. 整理;安排;布置
order one's affairs 料理事务
order one's life according to strict rules 按照严格的规定安排生活
order chessmen for a game 放好棋子准备弈棋
2. 命令;指示;嘱咐
The commander in chief ordered an attack. 总司令下令发动进攻。
The cops had ordered the bars and liquor stores closed. 警察命令关闭酒吧和酒店。
He ordered the men to come early. 他命令工人们早点来。
Many plainclothes policemen were ordered back into uniform for temporary riot duty. 许多便衣警探奉命重新穿上警服,暂时执行防暴任务。
The boss ordered that the work (should) be finished on time. 老板吩咐这活必须按时完成。
I ordered him outside. 我命令他出去。
3. (医生)嘱咐;处(方),开(药)
The doctor ordered her a month's rest. 医生嘱她卧床休息1月。
order a tonic for a young patient 为一名年轻病人开补药
4. 定购;预定,叫(饭菜、饮料、车辆等)
order things by mail 邮购物品
She ordered herself five new dresses. 她给自己定制了5套新衣服。
What shall I order for you? Steak or fish? 我给你叫什么菜?肉排还是鱼?
He ordered himself a bottle of champagne. 他给自己点了一瓶香槟酒。
Mary, you can order tickets by telephone now. 玛丽,你现在可以用电话订票了。
Would you like me to order a taxi? 要我叫一辆出租车吗?
5. (命运、上帝等)注定;决定
So we hoped, but it was otherwise ordered. 我们是这样希望的,但天意并非如此。
The authorities ordered it otherwise. 当局对此作出不同的决定。
6. 授…以圣职
He was ordered priest. 他被授以牧师职。
7. (动物、植物)归目
8. 使排列成战斗队形
1. 下命令,指挥
2. 定货;预定,叫菜(或饮料等)
Order now, before prices go up. 在涨价前赶快定货。
3. 整理;管理

III int.
[< OFr ordre < L ordō straight row, regular series]
phr. be (just) what the doctor ordered 大有助益;就是想要得到的
be under orders (to do sth.) 奉命(做某事)
by order (of) (…之)命;按照(…的)指示
Demonstrators were arrested by order of the chief of police. 按警察局长命令,示威群众遭到逮捕。
call to order 1. 宣布开(会)
The press secretary strode into the room and called the meeting to order. 新闻秘书大步走进房间,宣布开会。
2. 请…安静,请…遵守秩序;请…遵守议事规程
Mr. Smith was called to order for using unparliamentary language. 史密斯先生因使用了辱骂性言辞而被告知须遵守会议秩序。
The teacher called the class to order. 教师要班上学生安静下来上课。
draw up in order 使排整齐
in apple-pie order 井然有序,有条不紊
The room was in apple-pie order. 房间整整齐齐。
He wanted the account put in apple-pie order. 他要求把账目记得一清二楚。
in close order 以密集队形
march in close order 以密集队形行军
in open order 以散开队形
in order 1. 按顺序,挨次序
Line up and walk to the door in order. 排好队并挨次走到门那儿去。
In correct order I recited the twelve things I was supposed to do. 我按正确的次序把应做的12件事逐项说一遍。
2. 整齐,井然有序;处于良好(或正常工作)状态
Chairs were arranged and printed material put in order. 椅子排得整整齐齐,印刷材料放得井井有条。
We soon put Jim's bike in order. 我们很快把吉姆的自行车修好了。
3. 符合会议规程的
The motion is in order. 这项动议符合议事规程。
Whether I am in order or not, I call him a liar. 不管是否符合会议规程,我就是要称他为说谎者。
4. 自然的,合乎逻辑的;合宜的;适当的;妥当的
At the end of a programme, applause for the performers is in order. 表演结束时为演员鼓掌是理所当然的。
Is your passport in order? 你的护照办妥了没有?
5. 流行的;合乎风尚的;合时宜的
in orders 担任圣职,当牧师
in order that 目的在于…,为了
John saved his money in order that he might buy a toy tommy gun. 约翰为了买一把玩具冲锋枪把钱存起来。
In order that he should not be late, his mother woke him at 6. 为了使他不致迟到,母亲在6点钟叫醒他。
in order to 为了(做某事)
She shut the window in order to keep the insects out. 她把窗子关上以免虫子飞入。
in short order 立即,毫不耽搁地
Half way through the garden party my sister became ill and we had to leave in short order. 花园招待会进行到一半,我姐姐病了,我们只好立即离开。
in the order of = of the order of
keep order维持秩序
Some new teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes. 有些新教师发现难以维持他们班上的秩序。
of the first order 最高级的;头等的
a basso of the first order 第一流的男低音
He is a fool of the first order. 他是最最笨的笨蛋。
of the order of 1. 大约
Her income is of the order of £60000 a year. 她一年的收入约为60000镑。
2. 跟…相似的,属于…一类的
propagandists of the order of Mr. Johnson 像约翰逊先生那样的宣传家
on order 定购中,定制中
The furniture store has many desks on order, but until they arrive we must wait to buy one. 那家家具店已定购了许多书桌,但我们一定要等到货到后才能买到一张。
on the order of = of the order of
order about 把…差来遣去;不断驱使;盛气凌人地对待
Mildred doesn't like being ordered about by anyone. 米尔德莱德不喜欢别人以命令口气叫她干这干那。
order around = order about
order off勒令…退出比赛
Jones was ordered off in the second half after repeated fouls. 琼斯由于屡次犯规在下半场中被罚出场。
order out 1. 命令…离去
The children were ordered out of the kitchen while their mother was cooking. 在母亲做饭时孩子们被吩咐离开厨房。
2. 下令出动(军警等)
orders are orders 有令必行;军令如山
order up 1. 下令把…调往前线
More men will have to be ordered up (to the front) if we are to avoid a defeat. 如果我们想不被打败,必须把更多士兵调上前线。
2. 下令组成(或安排等)
order up a new committee 下令组成一个新的委员会
out of order 1. 次序颠倒,不按顺序
Peter wrote the words of the sentence out of order. 彼得把句中的词序写颠倒了。
2. 工作不正常的,出故障的
My digital camera is out of order again. 我的数码相机又坏了。
The line had been out of order for some time. 线路故障已经有些日子了。
3. 身体不适的,有病的
I have been lately much out of order and confined at home. 最近我身体一直很不好,足不出户。
He ate so much watermelon, yesterday, that his bowels are out of order. 昨天他吃了那么多西瓜,所以肠胃出毛病了。
4. 违反会议规程的
The resolution was out of order. 此项决议不合议事规则。
The chairman told her that she was out of order. 主席告诉她违反了会议规程。
5. 不整齐的
The boy's room was out of order. 这男孩的房间乱七八糟。
6. 不合适的,不妥当的,不恰当的,不合时宜的
The accusation of falsehood against him is out of order. 指责他说谎是不恰当的。
The children's whispering was out of order in the church. 孩子们在教堂里窃窃私语是不应该的。
put one's house in order 见 house
take (holy) orders 担任圣职
take order with 安排;处理
till further orders 在另有指示(或命令)之前
to order 按照吩咐(或要求)
a suit made to order 定做的一套衣服
A great actress can usually weep to order. 女明星通常在要她哭时就能哭出来。
under the orders of 受…的指挥,遵…之命
under the orders of a doctor 遵医嘱




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