释义 |
op·tion /ˈɒpʃən/ n. | vt. | phr. I n. 1. 选择 It is at your option to take it or leave it. 取舍随你的便。 It is hard to make my option between such alternatives. 要我对这样两种可供选择的方案作出抉择是很困难的。 2. 选择权;选择自由;选择能力;选择需要 Every voter should exercise his option. 每个投票人应履行自己的选择权。 You must do it; you have no option. 你一定得干,你没有选择的余地。 Wilfred was given three months' imprisonment without the option of a fine. 威尔弗雷德被判监禁3个月而不得代以罚款。 3. (供)选择的事物(或人);选课;选购项目 They urged me to go for the first option. 他们劝我采取第一方案。 How many options are there open to us? 我们有几种选择? weigh one's options 对自己的几种选择权衡得失轻重 I have to know my options if key players are injured. 一旦主力队员受伤,我必须知道有哪些替补队员可供我选派。 There are many options in our university. 我们大学里有许多选修课。 4. (按用户要求)选择供应的附件(或设备) a telephoto lens option for a camera 可供照相机选用的远摄镜头 5. 购买(或出售)权,期权(指按规定价格在规定期限内买卖股票、货物等的特权);(规定时间内的)履行契约权 He has taken an option on the house. 他已取得那所房子的购买权。 purchase an option to buy a house 购买购房权 I've already sold an option on this story for a film. 我已把那篇小说改编成电影剧本的购买权卖掉了。 6. (保险)投保人对赔偿方式的选择权 7. 【美橄】(中前卫可传球或持球跑的)可选择的进攻机会,自选进攻打法
II vt. 1. 获得(或给予)…的购买权(或出售权等) The studio has optioned his latest novel for film adaptation. 那家电影制片厂已获得将他最近的小说改编成电影的购买权。 2. 对…提供选择供应的附件 3. 【体】(在保留调回权的同时)调派(运动员)到下属体育协会运动队 [< L optiō free choice < optāre to choose] phr. a soft option 最轻松的选择,最容易的选择 have no option but 不得不,被迫,除…之外别无他法 Our political opponent had no option but to submit. 我们的政敌除了屈服之外没有别的出路。 keep (或 leave) (one's) options open 暂不作决定,保留灵活的选择权 They are obviously keeping their options open. 显而易见,他们一时是不会作出决定的。 |