释义 |
ball² /bɔːl/ n. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. (盛大、正式的)舞会 give a ball 举行舞会 attend a ball 参加舞会 We danced all night at the ball. 我们在舞会上跳了个通宵。 2. 〈俚〉愉快经历,赏心乐事 It's a ball for a time, but it's no life to lead. 在一段时间内那是种愉快经历,可是不能长期过那种生活。
II vi. 〈美俚〉狂欢,痛快地玩;消遣,作乐 [<Fr bal<OFr baller to dance<LL ballāre to dance<Gr ballizein] phr. ball it up 〈美俚〉= have (oneself) a ball have (oneself) a ball 〈美俚〉狂欢,痛快地玩;消遣,作乐 Have a ball on your trip. 祝你旅途过得愉快。 These are films to have a ball with. 这些是供消遣的电影。 open the ball 1. 在舞会带头跳第一场舞 2. 开始行动;开个头 Very well, I'll open the ball by reading out the list of members. 好吧,我把成员名单念一念,作为开头。 |