释义 |
odds /ɒdz/ n. | phr. [复] n. [常用作复] 1. 机会,可能性 (on,against) increase the odds on a racial war 增加爆发一场种族战争的可能性 The odds are that she will give her consent. 她大概会同意。 The odds were 10-1 in favour of him going. 他十之八九会去。 The odds are 10-1 against your winning. 你十之八九要输。 2. 投注赔率 He was offering odds of five to one. 他提出以五比一的赔率打赌。 Nobody would put any money on the horse at those odds. 没有人会以这样的赔率赌赛马。 3. 成功的可能性 Their odds were very poor after it rained. 这雨一下,他们获胜的可能性极小。 4. (尤指在比赛时对较弱一方的)让步 allow odds to the other team 给对方队让步 5. 优势 The odds are on our team. 优势在我们队这一边。 6. 区别,差异;差额 It makes no odds whether she comes or not. 她来不来都没有什么关系。 7. 不和;相争 8. 〈古〉不平等;不等,不一致;〈废〉差异的程度
phr. against (all the) odds 尽管有极大的困难 Against all the odds, I finished my work well before the time that I wanted to leave. 尽管非常困难,在我打算要离开之前,我早早完成了工作。ask (或 beg) no odds (of) 〈美〉不要求 (…)照顾; (比赛中)不要求 (对方)给予有利的条件 at odds 1. 不和,争吵;意见不一致 She is at odds with her boss. 她与上司不和。He was personally at odds with the new policy. 他个人不同意新政策。On many issues John and Mary found themselves seriously at odds. 约翰和玛丽发现他们在很多问题上意见严重分歧。2. 不和谐,不相称 The glossy, colourful cover was totally at odds with its dull academic content. 这光泽艳丽的封面与枯燥的学术内容完全不相称。by (all 或 long) odds 〈美〉大大 (胜过),远远 (超过);无论在哪一方面;肯定地,无疑地 He was by all odds the strongest candidate. 他肯定是最强有力的候选人。It is by all odds the best book of the year. 这无疑是本年度最好的书。even odds 成败 (或正反)机会相等 give (或 lay) odds 1. (在比赛或打赌中)给与对方以有利的条件 2. 〈口〉预测,猜测 I'll lay odds that he won't come tomorrow. 我估计他明天不会来。make odds even 消除差别,拉平 over the odds 1. 〈英〉(支付、价格等)超出预期的,高于必需的 He got two pounds over the odds for his job. 他干活多得了两镑钱。2. 〈澳〉不公平的;过多的 shout the odds 〈俚〉说大话,夸海口 take oddss 以对他人不利的赔率打赌 What's the odds? 〈口〉那有什么关系?那有什么要紧? |