释义 |
ob·struct /əbˈstrʌkt,ɒb-/ vt. | vi. ❶ vt. 1. 阻塞,堵塞 The crash obstructed the road for several hours. 撞车事故把道路阻塞了几个小时。 2. 阻碍,阻止;【律】(蓄意)妨碍;阻挠 A shortage of materials obstructed the work of the factory. 原料不足影响工厂生产。 obstruct justice 阻挠执法 3. 遮没,挡住 The high wall obstructed the view. 高墙挡住了视线。 4. 【体】阻挡 ❷ vi. 设置障碍,妨碍 [<L obstrūctus built against<obstruere<OB-: against+struere to build, pile¹] |