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bal·ance /ˈbæləns/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 天平;弹簧秤;杆秤 2. (钟、表等的)平衡轮,摆轮 3. 〈喻〉天平,衡量手段 4. (身体、收支等的)平衡;均衡;均势 Most industries have inventories in balance with sales. 多数制造业拥有与销售额保持平衡的存货。 the global balance of forces 全球力量均势 5. (价值、重要性等的)比较,对比;衡量,估计 6. (布局和比例等的)协调,和谐;(行文造句上的)对称 a picture lacking in balance 布局和比例不协调的图画 7. 镇定,镇静,沉着 His balance kept him from losing his temper too much. 他沉着镇定,这使他不常发脾气。 8. 平衡体,配重;平衡力;抵消因素 The slow and steady Mr. Smith acts as a balance to his wayward wife. 稳当的史密斯先生对他任性的妻子起着缓冲作用。 9. (物体长度上的)平衡点(亦作 balance point) 10. 决定权 hold the balance among nations 在国际上执牛耳 11. 结存;结欠;差额 I have a balance of $500 in the bank. 我在银行里结存500元。 12. 多付部分;〈口〉剩余部分 You may keep the balance. 余额你留着吧。 13. 大部分 The balance of opinion is on our side. 多数人的意见支持我们。 14. (苏格兰双人舞等中舞伴的)相对互进互退 15. (广播室等中)声源的安排和调整(指歌手、乐器等与扩音器之间相对位置的安排和调整);经安排和调整后产生的声音 16. [the B-] 【天】天秤(星)座
II ❶ vt. 1. (用天平)称;掂量 He balanced the two rocks in his hands and dropped the heavier one. 他用手把两块石头掂量了一下,丢弃了较重的那一块。 2. 权衡,斟酌;比较,对比 balance the agonies of long-term separation against the advantages of continuity of education 对长期分居的痛苦和继续求学的好处两者进行权衡 We balanced the profit and loss to see what had been gained. 我们比较盈亏情况,看看赚了多少。 3. 使平衡;使均衡 balance the national economy 平衡国民经济 balance a cup on one's head 使杯子在头上保持平衡而不落下 a balanced point of view 不偏不倚的观点 4. (在重量、力量、效果等方面)使相等;和…相等;使相称,和…相称 Now the light outside almost balanced that in the room. 这时室外光线同室内光线几乎同样了。 Cash on hand balances expenses. 手头的现金足够支付一应费用。 Duties and pleasures balanced each other in his well-planned life. 他妥善安排生活,做到劳逸兼顾。 5. 使协调;使对称 On the mantelpiece stood a vase and to balance it an ivory figurine. 壁炉架上放着一个花瓶,还放着一个象牙小雕像和它对称。 6. 抵消,和…相抵;补偿 (off,out,up) The advantages more than balance the disadvantages. 有利条件同不利条件相抵绰绰有余。 use nuclear devices to balance off the thousands of enemy tanks assembled in the region 以核装置来抵消集结于该地区数以千计的敌方坦克的威力 High birth rates were often balanced out by high death rates. 高生育率常被高死亡率抵消。 balance up the frustrations of one's life by escapist types of recreation 以逃避现实方式的娱乐同生活中的挫折相抗衡 7. 结算(账户);使(账户)的借方和贷方平衡;销(账) She sent a cheque to balance her account. 她送去一张支票以还清欠账。 8. (在广播室等处)安排和调整(音乐等)的声源 9. 和(舞伴)相对互进互退 ❷ vi. 1. 保持平衡 These scales balance. 天平两边的秤盘平衡。 balance on one foot 独脚站着保持平衡 2. (账户)收支平衡 (out) My accounts balance (out) for the first time this year. 我的账上今年第一次收支平衡。 3. (在价值、重量等方面)相等;相称 balance in power 势均力敌 The penalty does not balance with the offence. 惩罚与罪行不相称。 4. 被抵消;被补偿 (out) 5. 踌躇;摇摆,摆动 the mind that balances and waits 犹豫和等待的心态 6. 和舞伴相对互进互退 [OFr<LL bilanx having two scalepans<L bis twice+lanx scale] phr. a balance in hand 余款;余留物 a balance in hand of £1 9p. 1镑9便士的余款 balance of mind 正常的神志 (或心智)She took her own life when her balance of mind was disturbed. 她神经错乱时自杀了。in balance = on balance in (the) balance(生命等)在危急状态中;(命运等)未定 The future of the nation is (或 hangs, trembles) in (the) balance. 国家前途处在风雨飘摇之中。 The matter is still in (the) balance. 问题尚悬而未决。 keep one's balance 1. 保持身体平衡 2. 保持镇静 lose one's balance 1. 失去身体平衡 2. 惊惶失措,心慌意乱 off (one's) balance1. 不平衡;有跌落 (或倾覆) 危险 The sudden pull threw him off (his) balance. 蓦地一拉使他失去了平衡。 The canoe got off balance and turned over. 独木舟失去平衡翻了。 2. 无准备;没法应付;慌张 We caught the enemy off (his) balance and gave him a real beating. 我们乘敌人不备予以痛击。 The question was so unexpected that I was off balance for a moment. 这个问题提得那么突然,我一时答不上来。 feel off balance 感到慌张 on balance 总的说来 On balance, he will gain more than he will lose. 总的说来,他得到的将比失去的多。 out of balance = off balance redress the balance1. 校准天平 2. 作公正的调整;改变不公道局面 redress the balance between the official version of the incident and what really happened 纠正关于这一事件的官方说法和事实之间存在着的不一致之处 redress the balance by a transfer of power from the Crown to the parliament 把政权从君王手里转移到议会以改变不公道的局面 strike a balance 1. 结账,算出账户借方和贷方之间的差额 2. 作出大家认为公平的安排 (或调整);找到折中办法;妥协 strike a proper balance between work and rest 做到劳逸结合 Can Europe strike a balance between the power blocs? 欧洲能在强权集团之间做到不偏不倚吗? tip (或 tilt, turn) the balance 起决定性作用 His vote tipped the balance in our favour. 他的一票起了决定性作用,使形势有利于我们。 upon the balance = on balance |