释义 |
bait¹ /beɪt/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. (诱捕鱼、兽等的)饵;(诱杀老鼠、害虫等的)毒饵 artificial flies used as bait 人造蝇饵 2. 〈喻〉诱饵,诱惑(物) lure sb. with the bait of higher commissions 以更高的佣金引诱某人 The open purse was a bait for the hungry young man. 这只开口钱包对于那个饥肠辘辘的年轻人是个诱惑。 3. 〈古〉(旅途中的)打尖;歇脚 4. 食物;一顿饭
II ❶ vt. 1. 装饵于;在(陷阱)中放诱饵 bait a hook with a worm 把蚯蚓装在鱼钩上做钓饵 2. 引诱,诱惑 bait sb. by promises of a good job 答应给一份好差使来引诱某人 Interviewers attempted with baited questions to worm out his intentions. 面试人员试图用巧妙的问题转弯抹角地探出他的意图。 3. 纵犬袭击(锁住的野兽);(犬)撕咬 4. 折磨;侮弄;逗弄 be accused of baiting a cripple 侮弄一个跛子而受谴责 She loves to bait him about his vanity. 她喜欢嘲弄他的虚荣。 5. 〈古〉(旅途中)喂(牲口) ❷ vi. 〈古〉(旅途中)歇脚吃东西;歇脚喂马 [<ON beita to hunt, persecute] phr. rise to (或 jump at, swallow, take) the bait 1. (鱼) 吞饵 2. (人) 上钩,中圈套 |