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num·ber /ˈnʌmbə(r)/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 数目;数字;数额;【数】【语】数 the number of books published in a year 一年内出版书籍的数目 They put the number of deaths at 300. 他们估计死亡人数有300。 be able to print numbers as well as letters 既能印字母也能印数字 The number of tourists to that place is limited. 去那地方旅游的人数有限制。[注意: the number of ... 短语作主语时谓语一般通用第三人称单数动词] One, two, three are cardinal numbers, while first, second, third are ordinal numbers. 1、2、3是基数,而第一、第二、第三是序数。 The numbers on the right of 0 are the positive numbers, and those on the left are the negative numbers. 零右边的是正数,而零左边的是负数。 The English number system has two terms: singular and plural. 英语中的数有两个术语:单数和复数。 2. [numbers] 〈旧〉算术 He's good at numbers. 他擅长算术。 3. 大数目;[常作 numbers] 多数,大批;数量上的优势 Strength lies in numbers. 人多力量大。 A few honest men are better than numbers. 用人不在于多而在于忠诚可靠。 4. 号码,编号;[用于数字前,略作 No.或 no., 复数略作 Nos. 或 nos.] 号 a license (telephone, house) number 执照(电话,门牌)号码 a Social Security number (美国的)社会福利登记号 You can ring his home (work) number. 你可以拨他家里(单位)的电话号。 She was number seven in the race. 她在比赛中是7号运动员。 We live at no.(或 No.) 87 Beijing Road. 我们住在北京路87号。 I wear number 9 shoes. 我穿9码的鞋子。 5. (节目等的)一项;一支歌曲 At the first matinee, Kate found it impossible to perform the number properly. 在首场日戏中,凯特感到不可能发挥出正常的演出水平。 She had several numbers in the first act. 在第一幕中她有几段戏。 Her numbers ranged from terrible to so-so. 她演唱的几支歌曲,有的还过得去,有的却很糟糕。 a song number 一支歌 a ballroom number 一支舞曲 6. (期刊等的)一期;(书籍的)一册 the current (winter, October) number of English Journal 本期(冬季号,10月号)《英语杂志》 A year's subscription brings you 12 numbers. 预订1年可以拿到12期。 7. 〈口〉(群体中)突出的人;女子 He is a harsh number. 他是个很厉害的人。 Dressed up he's quite a number. 穿着打扮起来,他还挺帅呢。 We saw a good-looking number in a blue dress. 我们看见一位身着蓝装的美貌女郎。 8. 〈口〉(群体中)突出的一件;货品;行当;业余爱好 The task is a cushy number. 这件工作轻松得很。 Being chief manager has never been a soft number. 当总经理从来不是轻松容易的事。 That dress was the most fashionable number in that store. 那件衣服是那家店里最时髦的一件。 This number here is going like hot cakes. 这儿的这件货物热门畅销。 Now I know your number. 现在我知道你喜欢的是什么了。 9. 〈俚〉引人注目的事情(尤指男女关系) 10. 〈口〉策略,计谋;花招,把戏 He's pulling one of his numbers. 他正施出他惯用的一个手法。 11. 一伙,一类 two or three of sb.'s number 两三个某人那样的人 He is not of our number. 他不是我们这样的人。 12. (诗歌、音乐的)节奏性,韵律;[numbers] 节拍,调子 13. [numbers] 韵文,诗 14. [numbers] [用作单或复]〈美〉(把赌注押在任何3位数上的)彩票赌博 He hoped to make his fortune by playing the numbers. 他想靠彩票赌博发财。 15. 〈学俚〉大麻烟卷
II ❶ vt. 1. 把…编号,给…标号码 The rows of seats in the hall are numbered with letters. 大厅里一排排座位均用字母编号。 2. 包括有;拥有,计有 The prison population numbers forgers and counterfeiters. 监狱的囚犯中有假冒和伪造一类的骗子。 The club now numbers more than 7000 members. 该俱乐部现有7000多名成员。 The firm's staff numbers 46 persons. 这家公司有职员46人。 The states of the Union number 50. 联邦共有50个州。 3. 把…包括进,把…归入 (as,in,among,with) The group numbers him among (或 with) its members. 这个小组把他算作组员。 He is numbered among the best Chinese writers. 他被归入中国最优秀作家的行列。 4. [常用被动语态]使为数有限 The old man's days (或 years) are numbered. 这位老人在世的日子不长了。 5. 活了(若干年岁) The old woman has already numbered her threescore years and ten. 这位老太太已有70岁了。 6. 数…的数目;数说 Who can number the stars? 谁能数得清星星有多少? 7. 〈古〉分摊,分派 8. 〈废〉征集(兵员等) ❷ vi. 1. 数数目,读数字 Can the child number to ten? 这孩子会数到10了吗? 2. 包括进,归入 (as,in,among,with) He numbers among the best Chinese writers. 他跻身中国最优秀作家的行列。 3. 计数 Casualties numbered in the thousands. 伤亡人员数以千计。 [<OFr nombre < L numerus] phr. a number of 若干;许多 Quite a number of people have applied for this job. 有相当多的人申请这一工作。[注意:谓语通用第三人称复数动词] any number of 1. 任何数目的… a game played by any number of people 随便几人玩的游戏 2. 〈口〉好多,许多 I must have seen her any number of times. 我不知见过她多少回了。I know any number of men who can do this job. 我认识的人当中能做这工作的非常多。beyond number 无数的 (地),数不清的 (地)There were people beyond number at the rally. 集会群众多得数也数不清。by number 按数字;根据号码 He knows all the rooms in the building by number; he'll tell you who is in Room 106. 这幢大楼里所有房间的号码他都知道;他会告诉你住在106室的是谁。by numbers 1. 靠数目大;靠人多 win by numbers 靠人多而取胜 2. = by the numbers by the numbers 〈美〉 1. 【军】按口令 2. 机械地,一板一眼地 do a number 〈俚〉做特定的事情;例行常规的事情 She did a bag-lady number on one of the platforms in the bus station for one year. 在公共汽车站的一个站台上,她携带行李露宿达1年之久。 do a number on 〈美口〉 1. (尤指以欺骗手段)占…的便宜;苛刻对待;伤害…的感情;彻底挫败;使惊惶 Why are you doing a number on Mike? 你为什么要这样暗中伤害迈克呢? 2. 嘲弄;嘲笑 3. 与…微妙地调情 do one's number 〈俚〉扮演自己应扮演的角色,尽本分 get (或have) sb.'s number 〈口〉对某人心中有数;看清某人的本质(或动机),看透某人;对某人作出正确的评价 He's rather transparent. I have his number. 他为人透明,我是非常了解他的。 I used to think he was a friend of mine, but now I've got his number. 我以前一直认为他是我的一位朋友,但现在我看透他了。 have sb.'s number on it (或 them) 〈俚〉(子弹等)注定要打死某人 It seemed that the flashes of lightning had his number on them. 雷电似乎注定要把他击中。 in number 数目上 Applicants were few in number. 申请者寥寥无几。 They exceed us in number. 他们人数比我们多。 in numbers 1. 数量多,数目大 Elephants are here in (large 或 great) numbers. 这里大象非常之多。 2. (出版物等)分期的;分册的 lose one's number 出洋相,出丑 I lost my number badly by saying that Shakespeare was American. 我因说莎士比亚是美国人而大出洋相。 lose the number of one's mess 死去,被杀死 make one's number 〈口〉接洽,报到 On arrival, he made his number at the local office (with the local branch). 他一到就同当地的办事处(当地的分公司)接了头。 number off 【军】报数 The soldiers numbered off from left to right. 士兵们从左向右报数。 numbers of 大批,许多 Numbers of people came to see the exhibition from all over the country. 大批人从全国各地赶来参观这次展览。 One's (Sb.'s) number is (或 has gone) up. 〈口〉自己(某人)的寿数已尽,自己(某人)的死期已到 out of number = beyond number run a number on= do a number on Sb.'s(lucky) number comes up.〈口〉某人走运了。 take sb.'s number = get sb.'s number times without number见time to the number of 〈书〉多达…的 persons to the number of 100 多达100人 without number = beyond number |