nu·ance /njuːˈɑːns,ˈnjuː-/ n. | vt.I n. 1. (意义、感情、意见、颜色、音调等的)细微差别 He interpreted the sonata with a subtle feeling for nuance. 他对奏鸣曲领会深刻,演奏细致入微。 the slightest nuance of change in foreign policy 外交政策上的微调 2. 微妙的色彩;微妙之处 a sense of the nuances of plain words 对普通词语精妙涵义的辨别力 a very singular nuance of a boy's character 男孩性格上一个极其微妙的特征 II vt. 精确细腻地表达(或表演);细致入微地描绘 The treatment of the first movement is excessively nuanced. 第一乐章的处理过于精细了。 [Fr < nuer to shade < L nūbēs cloud]