

单词 no¹
释义 no¹ /nəʊ/ ad. | a. | n. | phr.
I ad.
1. [用以表示否定的回答, yes 之对] 不,不是;没有
A: Has he a temperature? B: No, he hasn't. 甲:他在发烧吗? 乙:不,没有。
A: Do you want to have lunch with us? B: No, thank you (或 thanks), Tom. 甲:你要跟我们一起吃午饭吗?乙:不啦,汤姆,谢谢你。
A: Do you want any milk? B: No, thank you (或 thanks). 甲:你要牛奶吗? 乙:不要了,谢谢。
A: Hasn't it stopped raining? B: No, it hasn't. 甲:雨还没停吗? 乙:是呀,还没停。[注意:在回答否定问句时,如答案是否定的,要用 no, 如答案是肯定的则用 yes, 这和汉语的表达习惯不一致]
A: Did she buy the shoes here? B: No, she bought them in Beijing. 甲:这双鞋她是在这儿买的吗? 乙:不是,她在北京买的。
2. [用以强调或引出表示否定的语句]不,没有;的确
None of her daughters was clever, no, not a one. 她的几个女儿一个都不聪明,的的确确,没有一个聪明的。
A: Poor man! He didn't want to leave this house. B: No, he didn't want to leave, but his wife did. 甲:可怜的家伙! 他并不想搬出这幢房子。乙:是啊,他真不想搬,可是他妻子要搬呀。
3. [用于比较级的形容词或副词前]毫不,根本不,毫无
His case is no more serious than yours. 他的情况一点也不比你的严重。
She is feeling no better than yesterday. 她并不觉得比昨天有所好转。
He committed no fewer than 91 errors. 他犯的错误竟有91个之多。
We went no farther than the bridge. 我们走到桥边就不再往前了。
4. [用于形容词前表示与该词相反的意思]并不,并非,并无
It is no easy task (no trivial matter). 这可不是一件容易的事(区区小事)
This is no new policy. 这不是什么新的政策。
He often felt sorry for himself, and I was no different. 他常常感到灰溜溜的,我也如此。
We have no such luck. 我们可没有这种运气。
With so many parties, no one party is likely to win a clear majority. 有那么多的党派,哪一个党也不可能赢得绝大多数。
5. [用以表示惊奇、怀疑、不信或命令]不对,不会;不许
A: I bought the camera for £50. B: No! Could it really have been so cheap? 甲:我花50英镑买了这架照相机。乙:不会吧! 真有那么便宜?
No! Stop that at once. 不准这样! 马上停止!
6. 苏格兰= not

II a.
1. 没有的,全无的
So far no money has been spent on the repairs. 到现在为止还没花钱修缮过。
No person of that name lives here. 这里没有叫那个名字的人。
No teacher and no student has come yet. 教师学生一个都还没来。
No lad of thirteen would have done that. 一个13岁的小孩不会做出那样的事。
2. 差不多没有的,极少的;极小的
We finished the work in no time. 我们不一会儿就把工作做好了。
It's no distance from the house to the school. 从家里到学校没有多少路。
3. 完全不是的,远非的
He was no mama's boy, but already a veteran of the army. 他早已不是妈妈身边的宝贝儿子,而是一名久经沙场的陆军战士。
He is no Mr. Smith. 他完全不像史密斯先生那样。
She was no (sort of) mathematician. 她算不上是个数学家。
He's only forty-seven, and that's no age these days. 他还只47岁,如今这年龄根本算不上老。
This is no place for a child. 这决不是小孩子去的地方。
It is no moment to listen to her endless complaints. 现在不是听她没完没了埋怨的时候。
4. 非规范[用于否定句,= any]若干,一些;一点,什么;丝毫的
I never lost no time to it. 我从来不为这事浪费时间。
I won't have no use for it anyhow. 不管怎样我不会再需要它了。
5. [用于命令、警告、标牌等]不许的,禁止的
No surrender! 不得投降!
No smoking! 禁止吸烟!
No unauthorized entry after dark. 天黑后未经许可不得入内。
6. [用于“there + to be + no + 动名词”的结构中]不可能的,无法的
There's no telling (或 saying, knowing) how much work we've done by now. 我们到现在为止做了多少工作说也说不清。
Once he began talking there was no stopping him. 他话匣子一打开就休想让他住口。

III ([复] no(e)s)

1. 不,没有;否定,拒绝;反对
give a yes or a no to sth. 表示赞成或反对某事
Two noes make a yes. 否定之否定即肯定。
2. 反对票;投反对票者
The noes won and the idea was dropped. 反对派取胜,这条意见就此作罢。
[<OE na < ne a not ever]
phr. oh no 1. 当然不是,自然没有
2. [表示惊愕]啊呀不好
or no 不论是不是;不管有没有
Pleasant or no, it is true. 不管是不是令人高兴,这事情是千真万确的。
Like it or no, you'll have to do it. 不管你喜欢不喜欢,这件事你一定得干。
say no (to) 否定,拒绝;反对
They said a sharp no to our proposals. 他们断然拒绝我们的建议。
The noes have it. 反对票占多数。
whether or no 1. 不论哪一种情况
You may rely upon me, whether or no. 不管怎么样,包在我身上好了。
2. 不论是不是;不管有没有
She needed me around to protect her, wheather she realized it or no. 不管她自己是不是认识到,她需要我在她身边保护她。
will not take no for an answer 非取得同意不可;坚持自己的想法(或做法)
He was so persistent that he would not take no for an answer. 他固执己见,不愿听取别人的反对意见。
He would not take “no” for an answer, so in the end I had to accede to his request. 他坚持自己的看法,最后我不得不同意他的要求。




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