释义 |
not·with·stand·ing /ˌnɒtwɪθˈstændɪŋ,-wɪð-/ prep. | ad. | conj. I prep. 尽管 They travelled on, notwithstanding the storm. 尽管有暴风雨,他们仍然继续赶路。 Thomas Carlyle, notwithstanding his tedious rhetoric, is a master of the sublime in prose style. 托马斯·卡莱尔,尽管他的措辞冗长乏味,但其文体隽永优美,不失为一位散文大师。 The cool weather notwithstanding, he was perspiring freely. 尽管天气很凉快,他还是大汗淋漓。
II ad. 尽管;还是 I denied myself everything. Notwithstanding, the old skinflint complained without ceasing. 我尽量克制自己,放弃一切。尽管这样,这老吝啬鬼还是不停地抱怨。
III conj. 虽然,尽管 Notwithstanding there was need for haste, he still delayed. 尽管事情刻不容缓,他还是拖延。