no·to·ri·e·ty /ˌnəʊtəˈraɪətɪ/ n. 1. 臭名 He achieved a certain notoriety after his recent mean acts. 他最近卑鄙的所作所为使他成了一个臭名昭著的人物。 2. 声名狼藉 The organization has come into public notoriety through the misbehaviour of its employees. 这个组织由于它的雇员行为不检已在公众中声名狼藉。 3. 远扬的名声;名声远扬 The newspapers gave the plan notoriety overnight. 报纸使这项计划一下子远近皆知。 4. 〈主英〉著名人物 They enjoy the pleasure of mixing with society notorieties. 他们乐于与社会名流交往。