

单词 bag¹
释义 bag¹ /bæɡ/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr.
I n.
1. 袋;一袋之量
a flour (plastic) bag 面粉 (塑料)
a bag of apples 一袋苹果
2. 钱包;(女子的)手提包;手提箱;旅行袋;外交公文袋
He has two bags to check. 他有两件行李要托运。
Embassies and bags are inviolate. 大使馆和外交公文袋不容侵犯。
3. 猎袋;渔猎所获;(法律允许的)最大渔猎量;战利品
The bag included a boar. 猎获物包括一头野猪。
He got his bag early and was home before lunch. 他很早就捕得法律允许的最大渔猎量,午饭前就回到家了。
The flier ended the day with a bag of four enemy planes. 那位飞行员这天共击落敌机4架。
4. 袋状物;(气球、飞船的)气囊;(动物体内的)囊;(母牛等的)乳房;(衣服、风帆、皮肉等的)松垂鼓出处;美俚避孕套
the honey bag of a bee 蜜蜂的蜜囊
bags at trouser knees 裤子膝部的鼓出处
bags under the eyes 眼袋
5. 美俚盛一服海洛因(或其他毒品)的纸袋;一服海洛因(或其他毒品)
6. [bags] 英口宽松裤
7. 老娘们;邋遢女人;丑妇;丑姑娘;妓女
a disagreeable old bag 讨厌的丑老婆子
8. 一群;一帮;一批;[bags] 英口大量,许多
He claims the football team is a dead bag. 他说这支足球队死气沉沉。
The American youth bag is overcrowded with “heroes”. 美国年轻的一代颇有“英雄”过剩之虞。
a bag of troubles 一大堆困难
a bag of money 许多钱
There is bags of time. 时间很充裕。
There have been bags of opportunities. 机会一直很多。
9. (眼下一时的)爱好;特长
Cooking isn't (Foreign languages aren't) my bag. 我不擅长烹饪 (外语)
10. 心情;精神状态
The boss is in a mean bag today. 老板今天情绪恶劣。
He is known for frequently having sad bags. 大家知道他这人常常郁郁寡欢。
11. 美俚(个人的)环境,处境;(个人的)生活方式
He comes out of a very intellectual bag. 他来自知识气息很浓的环境。
You can't expect people who are in another bag to accept my bag. 你不能指望持不同生活方式的人们接受我的生活方式。
12. (演奏、歌唱等的)独特风格
She's more than any other singer in the soul bag. 她比任何别的歌手都更具有黑人爵士灵歌特有的风格。
It was hard to tell in what bag their playing belonged. 很难判断他们的演奏属于哪种流派。
13. 美俚障碍;难题,疙瘩
His friends got him involved in the narcotics bag. 他的朋友们使他染上了吸毒的恶习。
14. 垒;垒包,垒垫


1. 使鼓垂;使膨大
Loss of sleep bagged his eyes. 失眠使他的眼皮浮肿。
The wind bagged the curtain. 风把帷幕吹得鼓了起来。
2. 把…装进袋子 (up)
bag (up) wheat 把小麦装袋
3. 猎获,捕获;捕杀(猎物)斩获
The police bagged the entire dope ring. 警察捕获了整个贩毒集团。
We bagged three enemy planes. 我们击落3架敌机。
4. (尤指利用计谋)获得;收集;占据;顺手牵羊般拿走,偷
bag a fabulous fortune 获得一大笔财产
No scene of hers fails to bag a roar of laughter. 她的戏没有一场不博得哄堂大笑。
bag anecdotes 收集掌故
Try to bag seats at the back for us. 设法给我们占几个后座。
I have bagged some of your cigarettes. 我拿过几支你的香烟。
Two little boys were caught bagging apples. 两个小男孩偷苹果时被抓住。
5. 美俚(尤为学生用语)(课),躲开;放弃,戒除
6. 美俚离开
7. 使(甘于)失败;使完蛋;毁掉;打垮
8. 登临(山峰)
9. 美口(病人)戴上氧气面罩(或其他呼吸装置)
10. 澳新口批评;指责
11. 解雇
1. (衣、裤等)像布袋一般鼓出;呈宽松下垂
His trousers bagged (out) at the knees. 他的裤子在膝部鼓了出来。
Her dress bagged shapelessly about her. 衣服松松垮垮地套在她身上,不成样子。
2. (乳牛等)长出乳房
This heifer is bagging up well. 这条小牝牛的乳房发育得很好。
3. 美俚享乐至上;生活放荡;沉溺于(吸毒等)恶习;随心所欲
4. 怀孕
[<? ON baggi pack, bundle]
phr. a bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人 (或动物)
a bag of nerves 非常胆小紧张的人
a bag of waters (胎儿的) 羊膜囊,羊水囊
a bag of wind 夸夸其谈的人
a blue bag = a green bag
a (full) bag of tricks = the (whole) bag of tricks
a green bag (律师的) 公事包
bag and baggage 1. 连同全部财物
He moved out bag and baggage. 他连人带东西一古脑儿搬走了。
2. 完全地
The equipment had disappeared, bag and baggage, without a trace. 全部设备消失得无影无踪。
bag it 1. 美俚抛弃,放弃,戒除
2. 逃学
bag school 逃学
bags I 英俚(源出儿童讹用)
1. …是我的
Bags I that seat! 那个座位是我的!
2. 我有权…,该让我…
Bags I first ride on the bike! 该让我先骑这辆自行车!
bags of mystery 香肠
empty the bag 和盘托出
get a bag on = have a bag on
get the bag被解雇
give sb. the bag
1. 解雇某人
2. 拒绝某人
have a bag on 美俚饮酒作乐;酗酒;喝醉
hold the bag 美口
1. (无可奈何地) 背他人甩掉的包袱;背黑锅
Taxpayers were left holding the bag for the losses. 纳税人被迫代人受过,承担一应损失。
When the ball broke the window, the boys scattered and left George holding the bag. 球击碎玻璃窗时孩子们一哄而散,让乔治一人背黑锅。
2. 一无所得
in the bag 1. 实际上已到手的;十拿九稳的,确定无疑的
The troops have taken their first objective and the rest is in the bag. 部队已经攻下第一个目标,其余的可如探囊取物。
We've got the match in the bag. 这场比赛我们已经稳操胜券了。
The sale of the house is in the bag. 房子的出售业已定局。
2. 落入他人手掌之中;被俘的
The suspect is in the bag completely. 嫌疑犯已完全陷入重围。
He got put in the bag. 他被俘了。
3. 美俚事先做了手脚的,设下圈套而预定结局的;澳新(马) 被做过手脚使赛输的
Everything is in the bag! It's all a frame-up! 一切都是事先做好的圈套! 完全是诬陷!
4. 美口喝醉的
Steve was really in the bag last night. 昨夜斯蒂夫喝得酩酊大醉。
in the bottom of the bag 作为最后一招
let the cat out of the bag 见 cat
make a bag 打到许多猎物 (或鱼)
pack one's bag s 打点行装,整装待发
put sb. in a bag 占某人上风
set one's bag for 对…有野心;设计谋取
the (whole) bag of tricks 1. 各种花招;种种办法
In their attempts to be original they have pretty well exhausted their bag of tricks. 他们企图标新立异,但已使尽花招。
2. 所有需要的东西;一切
The carpenter brought the whole bag of tricks with him. 木匠把一应工具都带来了。
If you stumble against that table you'll upset the whole bag of tricks. 你要是把那张桌子撞一下,就会把所有的东西统统打翻。
tie a bag on = have a bag on




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