释义 |
nose /nəʊz/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 鼻子;(动物的)鼻口部 a brandy nose 酒糟鼻 pick one's nose 掏鼻子 blow one's nose 擤鼻子 run at the nose 流鼻涕 hurl sb. onto his nose 把某人摔个嘴啃泥 His nose is stopped up with a cold. 他因感冒鼻子塞住了。 Savoury odours greeted the nose. 香味扑鼻。 2. 嗅觉;觉察力 a dog with a good nose 嗅觉灵敏的狗 develop a good nose for 提高对…的嗅觉力 3. (干草、茶、酒、烟等的)气味,香味 4. (对与己无关的事情的)探问;探看;干预 a troublesome person with his nose in (或 into) everything 什么都要打听的讨厌鬼 5. 〈口〉暗探,告密者 6. 鼻状物,前端突出部,突出部分(如喷嘴、弹头、船头、飞机机头、地角等) the nose of a car 汽车车头 the nose of a chisel 凿尖 pliers with a long nose 长嘴钳
II ❶ vt. 1. 嗅,闻;嗅出,闻出 2. 探出;觉察 3. 用鼻子碰(或擦、拱) The cat nosed her kittens. 老猫用鼻子触碰小猫。 The dog nosed the door open. 狗用鼻子把门拱开。 4. 用前端推动,拱 The bulldozer nosed the rock off the road. 推土机把石块从路上推开。 5. 使…的前端朝着特定方向 nose a flashlight about 用手电照来照去 nose an airship upwards to about a thousand feet 使飞艇飞升到大约1000英尺高 6. (小心翼翼地)驾驶;引领 nose a car through the gate 慢慢把汽车开进(或出)大门 The waggon nosed its way along the narrow road. 大车在狭窄的路上缓缓前行。 We nosed our way through the reeds. 我们穿过芦丛向前行进。 7. (比赛中)勉强胜过 ❷ vi. 1. 嗅,闻(at) 2. (小心翼翼地)行驶 The car nosed to the curb outside the apartment building. 汽车向公寓大楼外的路边靠拢。 The little boat nosed carefully between the rocks. 小船在礁石间小心翼翼地穿行。 3. 〈口〉探问;探看;寻找 4. 〈口〉告密,当暗探 [< OE nosu; 与 Norw nosa to smell, nus smell, OHG nasa nose 有关] phr. a nose of wax 〈古〉1. 容易塑捏的东西 2. 耳朵软的人,听任摆布的人 a nose to light candles at 〈口〉酒鬼的红鼻子,酒糟鼻 (as) plain as the nose in (或 on) your face 一目了然的,显而易见的 Their intention is as plain as the nose on your face. 他们的意图显而易见。be no skin off sb.'s nose 见 skin bite sb.'s nose off 怒气冲冲地打断某人的话;疾言厉色地回答某人 bloody sb.'s nose 伤害某人的自尊心;挫伤某人 by a nose (赛马中)以一鼻之差;(竞争中)以些微之差 win reelection by a nose 以微弱多数再次当选 cannot see beyond (或 further than) (the end of 或 the length of) one's nose = see no further than (the end of) one's nose count noses〈口〉点人数(如出席人数、赞成或反对人数);单凭人数决定问题 cut off one's nose to spite one's face 因一时恼怒反害自己,拿自己出气 follow one's nose 1. 笔直往前 Just follow your nose until you reach the traffic lights and then turn right. 一直朝前走,到红绿灯处向右转弯。 2. 靠嗅觉指引 The hounds ran ahead, following their noses on the trail of the fox. 猎狗顺着狐狸的臭迹跑在前面。 3. 凭直觉行事,凭本能行事 I found the house by following my nose. 我凭直觉找到了这幢房子。 fuddle one's nose 见fuddle get a bloody nose 自尊心受到伤害;受到打击 get a bloody nose for nothing 无辜受罪 get it up one's nose 1. 发怒,恼怒 2. 入迷,迷恋 get one's nose down (to) 专心致志(于) They are getting their noses really down to business. 他们当真一个劲儿地干起来了。 get one's nose in front (竞争中)设法取得领先位置 get one's nose (stuck) in a book = have one's nose (stuck) in a book get up sb.'s nose〈口〉惹某人发火,使某人恼怒 The homeless alcoholics got up the public's nose too much. 那班流浪醉汉使公众大为恼火。 give sb. a bloody nose = bloody sb.'s nose He has a good (或 an acute) nose for danger. 他对于危险极为敏感。 have one's nose into (或 in) = poke one's nose into (或 in) have one's nose (stuck) in a book 〈口〉埋头看书 She always has her nose (stuck) in a book when she is not doing the housework. 她不做家务的时候就一头钻在书里。 have one's (sb.'s) nose to the grindstone= put one's (sb.'s) nose to the grindstone have sb.'s nose out of joint = put sb.'s nose out of joint hold one's nose(为避开臭气等)捏住鼻子,捂住鼻子 hold one's nose in the air 鼻子朝天,目中无人 He's been holding his nose in the air since he won the prize. 他自从得奖以后就自以为是目中无人了。 hold one's nose to it 支持下去,撑下去 hold one's (sb.'s) nose to the grindstone = put one's (sb.'s) nose to the grindstone keep one's nose clean1. 行为规矩;洁身自好;不卷入是非 The policeman warned the boys to keep their noses clean. 警察告诫那些少年放规矩些。 He had a reputation for keeping his nose clean. 他以洁身自好而出名。 If you keep your nose clean, you can stay out of trouble. 你要是不介入是非,就可以不招麻烦。 2. 滴酒不沾 keep one's nose out (of) 〈口〉不探问;不探看;不干预 Keep your (big) nose out of our business. 我们的事不要你管。 Peace could come in this country if only all the intervenors would keep their noses out. 只要所有的干涉者不插手,和平就可以在这个国家实现。 keep one's (sb.'s) nose to the grindstone= put one's (sb.'s) nose to the grindstone lead sb. Bythe nose〈口〉牵着某人的鼻子,完全操纵某人 Don't let anyone lead you by the nose; use your own judgment. 不要让人牵着鼻子走;自己要有主见。 look down one's nose at 〈口〉不把…放在眼里,小看 If I give up smoking I don't want smokers looking down their noses at me. 如果我戒烟了,我希望抽烟的人不要对我有看法。 make a long nose (at) (对…)做鬼脸(即把拇指顶在鼻尖上、张开并摇动其余4指表示轻蔑的动作) The boys made long noses at each other. 男孩子们用拇指顶着鼻子互相做鬼脸。 nose about (或〈美〉around) 1. (在…)东嗅西嗅 The dog kept nosing about the room. 那条狗老是在屋里东闻闻西嗅嗅。 2. 〈口〉搜索,寻找;探问;探看 The detective was nosing around in the crowd for pickpockets. 侦探在人群中四下探察,看有没有扒手。 The writer is nosing around for a new book. 这位作家正在为一本新书到处找材料。 nose ahead (竞争中)以些微之差领先 nose ahead of sb. in the voting 选举中以微弱优势领先于某人 nose down (使…)俯飞 The plane nosed down (The pilot nosed down the plane) to about 400 feet. 飞机(飞行员将飞机)俯飞到大约400英尺的高度。 nose out 〈口〉 1. 嗅出,闻出 The dog nosed a rat out from behind a pile of old newspapers. 那条狗嗅出在一堆旧报纸后面有一只老鼠。 2. 搜出,找出;了解到 The journalist has nosed out the story. 记者已经摸清了事情的来龙去脉。 3. 〈美〉(竞争中)以些微之差胜过,比…略胜一筹 The Democratic candidate was nosed out by a handful of votes. 民主党候选人以几票之差落选。 nose over (飞机)机头着地翻身 nose (sth.) in 〈口〉(使某物)前端先进入;(把某物)推近 The ship nosed in to the pier. 船驶近码头。 nose (sth.) into 〈口〉 1. (使某物)前端先进入;(把某物)推进 They nosed the boat into the river. 他们先把船头推入河中。 2. 〈口〉探问;探看;干预 The child likes to nose into my drawers. 这孩子喜欢朝我抽屉里探望。 She is always nosing into other people's affairs. 她老是管别人的事情。 nose (sth.) up (使某物)前端向上移动;(使某物)仰飞 The front end of the locomotive nosed up in the air and the tracks dug into the ground. 机车车头翘到半空,铁轨陷进地里。 The plane nosed up (The pilot nosed the plane up) from the field. 飞机(飞行员驾机)从机场仰头起飞。 nose to nose 面对面,相对 stand nose to nose with 同…相对而立 nose to tail 首尾衔接 Sixteen cars were drawn up nose to tail, forming a circle. 16辆小汽车头尾相连停着,形成一个圆圈。 on the nose 1. 〈美口〉准确的(地);精确的(地) at 12 on the nose 在12点正 He was right on the nose when he said that the book was full of nonsense. 他说这本书废话连篇,正是一语中的。 2. 〈美〉(赛马)跑第一;拿得稳的(地),可靠的(地) win a race on the nose 很有把握地跑赢 a horse on the nose 一匹稳获胜的马 3. 〈澳〉气味重的,刺鼻的;讨厌的 Withdraw! That's on the nose. 快往后退! 那东西刺鼻。 4. 正对着 The wind was westerly. We had it on the nose most of the way. 刮的是西风。我们一大半路程正好顶风。 pay through the nose 〈口〉付费过高;花代价过大 There was a shortage of food; so you had to pay through the nose for what you could find. 食品短缺,所以能买到的话就得出大价钱。 poke (或 push) one's nose into (或 in) 〈口〉探问;探看;干预 Don't ask questions and poke your nose into other people's business. 不要问长问短管别人的事。 powder one's nose 〈婉〉(女子)上洗手间 push sb.'s nose in it (或 the dirt) 〈罕〉= rub sb.'s nose in it (或 the dirt) put one's (sb.'s) nose to the grindstone 使自己(某人)一刻不停地拼命干 The teacher puts his pupils' noses to the grindstone all the time. 老师把学生们弄得一天到晚忙个不停。 put sb.'s nose out of joint 〈口〉 1. 挤掉某人,取代某人;夺去某人的恋人 She keeps an eye on her boyfriend for fear someone else should put her nose out of joint. 她密切注意男朋友的行动,生怕让人抢了去。 2. 使某人心烦意乱;扰乱某人的计划;毁灭某人的希望 It puts his nose out of joint to see others being successful. 看见别人成功他心烦意乱。 rub noses (尤指毛利人等)见面时行碰鼻礼 rub sb.'s nose in it (或 the dirt 或 the mess) 〈口〉 1. 向某人反复提及不愉快的事;揭某人的疮疤 I know I'm wrong, but there's no need to rub my nose in it (或 in the dirt). 我知道我不对,可是没有必要揪住这事不放呀。 2. (尤指作为惩罚)使某人痛感不愉快 see no further than (the end of) one's nose 看不远,鼠目寸光 a world where even the most learned see no further than the end of their noses 一个连最有学问的人们也是鼠目寸光的天地 snap sb.'s nose off = bite sb.'s nose off speak through one's nose带着鼻音说话 stick one's nose in the air = hold one's nose in the air stick one's nose into(或in)= poke one's nose into(或in) suffer a bloody nose= get a bloody nose tell noses= count noses thrust one's nose into(或in)= poke one's nose into(或in) thumb one's(或 a) nose (at) 1. = make a long nose (at) 2. (对…)嗤之以鼻,蔑视 thumb a nose at world opinions 对世界舆论嗤之以鼻 turn up one's (或 the) nose at 〈口〉不把…放在眼里,蔑视 You shouldn't turn up your nose at good food — some people would be glad to have a meal like that. 你不要把这好端端的食物不放在眼里——有的人能吃上这样一顿会庆幸不止呢。 under sb.'s (very) nose 〈口〉就在某人面前,就在某人眼皮底下;当着某人的面 A: Where's that book I was reading? B: It's right under your nose. 甲:我方才正读的那本书哪儿去了? 乙:就在你面前。 The action was taken under the (very) nose(s) of the enemy. 行动就在敌军眼皮底下进行。 with a nose for 对…很敏感的(地);很善于发现…的(地) a reporter with a nose for news 善于发掘新闻的记者 with one's nose (buried) in a book 埋头于书本 with one's nose in the air 鼻子朝天的(地);目中无人的(地) |