释义 |
noise /nɔɪz/ n. | vt. | vi. | phr. I n. 1. 声音,响声 the noise of the rain on the roof 雨水打在屋顶上的声音 the noise of thunder (machinery) 雷(机器)声 a rustling (crackling, rumbling) noise 窸窣(劈啪,隆隆)声 hear strange noises at night 夜里听见奇怪的响声 Dolphins produce a great variety of noises. 海豚会发出各种各样的声音。 2. 喧哗声,嘈杂声 city (street) noises 城市里(马路上)的喧闹声 There's much noise in the restaurant. 饭馆里人声嘈杂。 3. 噪声,杂音;干扰(声) such virtues as low noise and lack of air pollution 诸如噪声低、无空气污染等优点 The Concorde's noise level is high. 协和式飞机的噪声级很高。 Snow in a television receiver is a form of noise. 电视接收机的“雪花”是一种干扰。 4. 议论;〈古〉谣传 Tom said that the political noise came mainly from the businessmen. 汤姆说政治议论主要来自商人。 The noise of it had reached his ears. 关于此事的议论他已有所耳闻。 5. 〈古〉鼓乐之声;〈废〉一队乐师
II ❶ vt. [常用被动语态]〈旧〉纷纷传说;谣传 (about, abroad, around) The scandal was quickly noised about. 这件丑闻很快就传开了。 It was noised abroad that the king had been assassinated. 外界传说国王遭到了暗杀。 ❷ vi. 〈书〉 1. 发出声音,发出响声;发出骚扰声 2. 公开议论,大声议论 [OFr < L: nausea] phr. a (或 the) big noise 〈贬〉大人物,大亨 He's the big noise in the Home Office. 他是内政部大员。make (all) the right noises 随声附和;故作踊跃 She said I would have to come and visit her. I made the right noises, then changed the subject. 她说我得来看望她,我随声附和,接着便改变了话题。make a noise 1. 发出声音,发出响声 Don't make a noise when you go into the bedroom. 进卧室的时候不要出声。2. 引起议论,引起哄动 He didn't make any noise in the performance. 他在演出中没有露什么头角。make a (或 some) noise about 〈口〉为…埋怨,为…吵闹 The bus was late again today. Let's make a noise to the company about it. 公共汽车今天又晚点了,我们向公司提意见去。make a noise in the world 引起议论,引起哄动;名噪一时 make a noise like 1. 发出像…的声音 make a noise like a train 发出火车开动的声音 2. 装出…的样子 make a noise like a millionaire 装出百万富翁的样子 make noises 〈口〉1. 发出各种声音 (或响声)He could make noises. Trains, aeroplanes, sewing machines, cock crowing. 他会模拟各种声音:火车声,飞机声,缝纫机声,公鸡打鸣。2. 口头上表示,嘴上说 (about)make sympathetic (encouraging) noises 口头上表示同情(鼓励) The company makes noises but is careful in enforcing this rule. 公司领导嘴上讲得很多,可执行这条规定时却很慎重。Do they mean it, or are they making mere noises? 他们是真心想干还是仅仅说说而已? The government makes noises about better relations with its neighbouring countries. 政府再三讲要处理好同邻国的关系。make noises like = make a noise like noise and number index飞机噪声及次数指数 noises off 1. 【戏】台后音,幕后音 2. (吵人的)背景噪声 |