释义 |
ni·ce·ty /ˈnaɪsətɪ/ n. | phr. n. 1. [常作 niceties] 优美,美好;优美的东西(或特点) the niceties of life 人生的各种享受 2. 准确,精确;微妙 a man with great nicety of judgment 具有精确判断力的人 a question of some nicety 一个相当微妙的问题 3. 细微的区别; [niceties] 细节 observe niceties of syntax 注意句法的精妙奥秘 social niceties 社交上的繁文缛节 4. 拘泥细节;谨小慎微;挑剔
phr. to a nicety 精细入微地;恰到好处地 The character of the hero is depicted to a nicety. 男主人公的性格刻画得很细腻。All is arranged to a nicety. 一切都安排得妥帖完善。The cookies were browned to a nicety. 小甜饼烘烤得恰到好处。 |