

单词 nice
释义 nice /naɪs/ a. | ad. | phr.
I a.
1. 好的,合宜的;好心的,友好的
nice weather 好天气
a nice day 晴朗的一天
nice to the taste 味道好的
a nice bedroom 一间舒适的卧室
He is very nice to his mother-in-law. 他待岳母很好。
She was nice with children. 她对孩子们很好。
How nice of you to do that! 你那样做真太好了!
2. 好看的,可爱的;讨人喜欢的,使人高兴的,令人愉快的
a nice dress 好看的女服
a nice face 一张可爱的脸
a nice child 逗人爱的孩子
have a nice time 玩得很痛快
take a nice ride in a buggy 坐轻便马车兜得很开心
Nice to meet you. 遇见你很高兴。
Nice talking to you. 有幸跟你谈话真高兴。
It is nice to visit new places. 到陌生地方去玩真来劲。
This is the nicest thing that has ever happened to me. 这是我所遇到过的最愉快的一件事。
3. 做得好的,干得好的
nice work 出色的工作(亦可用作表扬的感叹语)
a nice shot 一次妙射
a nice surprise 出乎意料的好事
4. 作风正派的,正经的;正当的;合时宜的
a nice girl who is careful of her reputation 注意自己名声的行为端庄的姑娘
That's not a nice remark. 那句话不该说。
5. 细微的;细致的;精细的;精密的
a nice distinction (difference) 细微的区别(差别)
a nice shade of meaning 词义的精妙差别
a nice adjustment 精细的调整
a nice inquiry 细密的询问
a nice observer 敏锐的观察者
nice attention 密切的注意
nice workmanship 精细的工艺
nice measurements 精密的尺寸
a nice scale 精准的秤
6. 敏感的,灵巧的;微妙的,难处置的
a nice ear for music 乐感强的耳朵
a nice hand 巧手
a nice problem (或 question) 微妙问题
a nice point of law 法律上难以决断的问题
It's a nice point to speak about. 这一点很难说出口。
7. 讲究的,爱挑剔的
be nice in one's dress 衣着讲究
be nice about one's food 吃东西挑剔
8. 优雅的;文雅的
speak with a nice accent 用一种文雅的口音说话
9. 像样的,妥当的
That's not a nice word for use on such an occasion. 在这种场合用这个词不恰当。
It is a nice way of putting it. 这样说法很得体。
10. [用作反语]不好的,糟糕的
make a nice mess of 把…弄得一团糟
be in a nice state 情况很糟
How nice for you! 你倒好啊!
You are a nice friend. You even won't lend me a buck! 你倒是真够朋友,连一块钱都不肯借。
11. 相当的,较多的
There is nice time, but not too much. 还有时间,不过不太多了。
12. 谨慎的;严谨的
He's not too nice in his business methods. 他的经营方法不太慎重。
13. 故作姿态的,假装忸怩的
14. 淫乱的,放荡的
15. 傻的,蠢的
16. 琐碎的,无关紧要的

II ad.
= nicely
[<OFr: simple, silly < L nescius ignorant < nescīre to be ignorant; 见 NESCIENCE]
phr. make nice 美口爱抚,表示亲昵
Public officials have to make nice to politicians they cannot stand. 公务员们不得不对于他们不能忍受的那些政客表示亲热。
more nice than wise 因爱面子而损害自己的实际利益,死要面子活受罪
nice and
1. 很,挺
get rid of sb. nice and handy 挺利索地把某人除去(或摆脱)
He likes his tea nice and hot. 他喜欢喝滚烫的茶。
You'll have to get up nice and early. 你得很早起身。
The room is nice and warm. 这屋子挺暖和的。
His speech was nice and short. 他的话挺简短。
2. [表示轻微的不满]好不,倒好
You're nice and late getting to work today! 你倒好,不怕今天上班迟到!
nice one见one
not very nice 使人不愉快的;讨厌的




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