

单词 news
释义 news /njuːz; nuːz/ n. | phr.
1. 新闻,新闻报道;新闻广播;新闻节目
an item of news (或 a news item) 一条新闻
a news reporter 新闻记者
gather news 采集新闻
the 7 o'clock news (broadcast) 7点钟的新闻(广播)
watch the news 看电视新闻
Here is the news. (广播用语)现在报告新闻。
Here are the news headlines. (广播用语)现在报告新闻提要。
The news is at six. 新闻节目在6点播出。
2. 消息;新情况
a piece of good (bad) news 一个好(坏)消息
grapevine news 小道消息
receive black news from 从…得到凶讯
There has been no news about when he will come. 他什么时候来还没有消息。
What is news with John at present? 约翰目前有什么消息吗?
News of her arrest travelled quickly. 她被捕的消息很快就传开了。
I don't have much news of him. 我不太知道他近来的情况。
He has written to demand news about each of us. 他已来信要我们告诉他各自最近的情况。
That's splendid news. 这消息太好了。
Market suffered from adverse news on the money. 行情因金融界情况不妙而大跌。
3. 新闻人物;新闻地名;新闻事件
She's hot news in the film world. 她是电影界极走红的新闻人物。
4. 新闻纸;[N-] [用于报刊名]新闻报刊
The Evening News 《新闻晚报》
The Wallasey News 《沃拉西新闻周刊》
phr. at news of(或 at the news that) 一得到…的消息
At news of the strike (或 At the news that the strike had broken out,) 100,000 men headed north. 一听到罢工的消息,就有10万士兵向北方进军。
Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。
be news to sb. 对某人来说是新闻
Did you say that the meeting is cancelled? Well, that's news to me. 你刚才说会不开了吗? 哟,我还不知道呢。
A: I'm going to Hangzhou shortly. B: News to me. But not a bad idea. 甲:我就要到杭州去了。乙:我还没听说过呢。但这主意倒不错。
That is no news to me. 这事我早就知道了。
break the news (to sb.) (向某人)公布消息,(对某人)说出实情
The papers have taken care to break the news gently to their readers. 各报纸竭力以和缓的方式向读者透露这一消息。
come as news to sb. = be news to sb.
Good news goes on cruches.好事不出门。
Ill news comes apace. = Bad news travels quickly.
in the news被作为新闻报道
She was in the news last year. 去年她是个新闻人物。
make news 做出易被作为新闻题材的事;成为新闻
The Security Intelligence Organization recently made news by advertising for new job applicants. 安全情报组织最近登广告招聘新雇员,弄得沸沸扬扬。
No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息。(或不闻凶讯便是吉。)
on the news 在新闻节目中(的)
I heard it on the 6 o'clock news. 这件事我是在6点钟的新闻节目中听到的。
I've been following it on the news. 我一直在收听新闻广播,密切注意事态的发展。
The raid was on the news this morning. 这次袭击是在今晨的新闻广播中公布的。[见 NEW]




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