

单词 nature
释义 na·ture /ˈneɪtʃə(r)/ n. | phr.
I n.
1. [拟人化时常作 N-] 大自然,自然界;自然力
the beauties of nature 大自然的美
a nature writer 写大自然的作家
a struggle with nature 同自然界的斗争
If nature does not provide a thing we want, let us make one ourselves. 如果自然界不提供我们所需要的东西,我们就自己来造。
Not a sound obtruded upon great Nature's meditation. 万籁俱寂,大地似在沉思。
2. 自然状态;原始状态,原始生活
a return to nature 回归自然
3. 禀性,天性;性格,性情
the problem of nature and nurture in mental development 智力发展中先天禀性因素和后天培育的问题
the nature of the beast 兽性
It is his nature to be miserly. 他生性吝啬。
He has a charming, friendly nature with others. 他性情随和,讨人喜欢。
4. 本质,性质;类型,种类
the nature of a chemical 一种化学品的性质
of a temporary (permanent) nature 临时(永久)性的
a document of a confidential nature 机密文件
5. 具有某种特性的人(或事物)
They are all magnanimous and compassionate natures. 他们都是些宽宏大量又富于同情心的人。
6. 情理,常情
7. 真实,真切
true to nature 逼真的
8. 生命机能,生命力;生理,生理需要
food sufficient to sustain (或 support) nature 足以维持生命的食物
9. 未受天恩的罪人状态
10. 感情,柔情
[OFr < L nātūra < nātus born, produced < nascī to be born]
phr. a call of nature 自然之召(指要大小便的感觉)
against nature1. 违反自然的;不合常情的,反常的;违背人性的;乱伦的,邪恶的
It is against nature for a mother to hurt her child. 母伤其子,天理难容。
2. = contrary to nature
all nature 万物,一切生灵
back to nature 回归自然
the “Back to Nature” cult (主张重过简朴生活的)回归自然派
by nature 出于本性地;天生地
He is belligerent by nature. 他生性好斗。
I am an optimist by nature. 我生来是个乐天派。
by the (very) nature of the case (或 of things) = in the (very) nature of the case (或 of things)
contrary to nature 奇迹般的(地);非凡的(地)
ease nature = relieve nature
from nature用实物;写实地
paint from nature 写生
from the (very) nature of the case (或 of things) = in the (very) nature of the case (或 of things)
in a state of nature 1. 处于原始状态,处于未开化的状态;(动物、植物)处于野生状态
2. 赤身裸体的;裸露的
children in a state of nature 光着身子的小孩
3. 未得救赎的
in nature 1. 实际上;实际存在的
One can't do everything by oneself; it isn't in nature. 你不能什么都自己来;这是不切实际的。
2. 无论如何,根本
in sb.'s nature 在某人的禀性之中,在某人本质之中
I began to hate her, though it isn't in my nature to hate. 我生来从不恨别人,但对她我却开始产生憎恨。
in the course of nature 见 course
in the nature of 具有…性质的;属…一类的;类似…的;按…性质的
the statement in the nature of an ultimatum 最后通牒式的声明
The ambassadors in the nature of their work have to move around and be seen in public. 由于工作的性质,大使们不得不到处奔波,抛头露面。
For me a detective story is in the nature of a race. 对我来说读侦探故事就像看比赛一样紧张。
in the (very) nature of the case (或 of things) 理所当然地,必然地
The two sides are in the nature of things unlikely to reconcile themselves. 双方肯定不会和解。
let nature take its course 听其自然(尤指听凭两人自然相爱)
like all nature 美口像什么似地;很猛地;拼命地
of the nature of = in the nature of
one of Nature's (或nature's)一个天生的…
He was one of nature's innocents. He couldn't dissemble if he tried. 他天生是个老实人,要想装假也不会。
pay one's debt to nature (或 pay the debt of nature) 一命呜呼,死
relieve nature 排泄,方便
the nature of the beast 兽性;无法改变的本质




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