单词 |
narrow |
释义 |
nar·row /ˈnærəʊ/ a. | n. | vt. | vi. I a. 1. 狭的,窄的;狭窄的;狭小的;狭长的;(织物等)狭幅(不到18英寸)的 a narrow path 狭路(或窄道) The gate is too narrow for a car. 门太窄,汽车无法进出。 a narrow sidewalk 狭窄的人行道 narrow quarters 狭小的住处 a narrow table 长条桌 His head was narrow under bristling red hair. 他的红发一根根直竖,使头显得狭长。 2. 狭隘的;(程度、范围等)有局限的,小的 a narrow point of view 狭隘的观点 a narrow mind 狭隘的心胸 act only in one's narrow self-interests 只图狭隘的私利 in the narrow meaning (或 sense) of the word 从该词的狭义而论 a narrow conclusion 片面的结论 within narrow bounds 在小范围里 a narrow concern of scholars 仅为学者们所关心的事 a narrow price range 涨落不大的价格幅度 be known only to a narrow group (或 circle) of people 只在小范围里有人知道 He has only a narrow circle of friends. 他交游不广。 3. 勉强的;(胜负间)相差小的,很险的 a narrow smile 勉强的一笑 win with a narrow 72-vote majority 以72票的微弱多数获胜 a narrow lead 勉强的领先 have a narrow escape from a tiger 从虎口死里逃生 win a narrow victory (或 win by a narrow margin) 勉强获胜 John executed a narrow turn and stopped with his machine pointing back the way he had come. 约翰来了一个惊险的急转弯,刹住车,使车头朝着来时的方向。 4. 勉强够的,紧巴巴的;贫穷的;贫乏的 narrow resources 紧缺的资源 have a narrow income 收入菲薄 live in narrow circumstances 生活拮据 5. 〈主方〉手紧的;小气的,心眼窄的 He is narrow with his money. 他花起钱来手攥得很紧。 He is said to be a very narrow man. 听说他这个人器量很小。 6. 仔细的;细微的 a narrow scrutiny 仔细的查看(或调查) after a narrow examination 经仔细检查 give sth. a narrow inspection 对某事作仔细检视 a machine with narrow tolerances 公差极小的机器 7. (原则、法律等)少变通的,刻板的 8. 〈美〉(饲料等)蛋白质含量高的 9. 【语】窄的,紧的 a narrow vowel 窄元音
II n. 1. 狭窄部分;狭小处;狭长物 2. 狭谷;隘路,窄道
III ❶ vt. 1. 使变狭,使变窄 The sun narrowed their eyes. 阳光照得他们眯起眼睛。 They narrowed their eyes (或 gaze) against the harsh light. 对着刺目的强光他们眯起了眼睛。 2. 使变得狭隘;使有局限 The doctor narrowed his interest to diseases of the throat. 这位医生的兴趣局限于咽喉病。 narrow the powers of executive authority 限制行政领导的权力范围 3. 使缩小;缩减,压缩 (down) narrow the gap between city and country life 缩小城乡生活的差距 narrow down the candidates 缩减候选人人数 narrow down a contest to three competitors 把参赛者减少到3人 The list is narrowed down until you have two or three restaurants to choose from. 把饭店名单压缩到两三家之后你再从中挑选。 She has narrowed down the choice of dresses to three or four fashionable ones. 挑选到后来她已集中在三四套新式服装上。 They narrowed success or failure for the conference to just two issues. 他们把会议的成败仅仅归结到两个问题上。 They'll make inquiries about the matter. They should be able to narrow things down. 他们会查询这件事的。他们应该有能力缩小调查范围。 4. 使变得心胸狭隘 ❷ vi. 1. 变狭,变窄 The broad band of the river narrows to (或 into) a rivulet. 开阔的河面渐变狭窄,最后成了一条小溪。 His eyes narrowed into thoughtful scrutiny. 他眯起眼睛仔细察看,若有所思。 2. 缩小;减少;紧缩 The options are narrowing for the individual. 个人自由选择的余地越来越小。 His attention narrowed to one man. 他的注意力集中到一个人身上。 It narrowed down to a mere contest of endurance. 这件事结果纯粹成了耐力的较量。 To this moment, toward which four decades narrowed, I have never been unfaithful to my wife. 到此时此刻,我40年如一日,从来没有对妻子有过不忠行为。 [<OE nearu; 与 OHG narwa scar, snuor cord, Gr narnax box 有关] |
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