

单词 muster
释义 mus·ter /ˈmʌstə(r)/ vt. | vi. | n. | phr.
I vt.
1. 召集,集合(军队、全体船员等)
The captain mustered all hands on deck for a review. 船长把所有船员召集到甲板上检阅。
The men were mustered for roll call. 士兵被集合起来点名。
2. (全体船员等)进行点名
3. 搜集;聚集 (up)
All the hands we could muster were but twelve. 我们能搜罗到的帮手一共才12个。
muster arguments in defence of a theory 搜集论据以捍卫一种理论
muster a substantial number of votes for sb. 替某人拉大量选票
Between them they mustered up a great stock of knowledge. 他们两人一起积累了大量知识。
4. 鼓起(勇气等);奋(力);激起(感情等);使出现;使振作(up)
muster (up) one's courage 鼓起勇气
muster (up) one's strength 奋力
I hit him with all the force I could muster. 我使上全身气力向他猛击。
He cannot muster (up) much sympathy for the privations he endured. 他所忍受的贫困生活无法激起人们多少同情。
He evidently wants more time to muster (up) support for himself. 他显然需要更多的时间来赢得人们对自己的支持。
He tried to muster a smile for her. 他对她强作笑颜。
I can't muster an appetite. 我怎么也没胃口。
5. 合计,总数达
The garrison musters eighty men. 驻军共计80名。
6. 赶拢(牛、羊等)
The dogs mustered several thousand animals. 这几条狗把几千头牲口赶拢在一起。
1. (军队等)集合,集结
The platoon mustered for roll call. 全排集合点名。
2. 聚集
The tiger sharks mustered in hundreds in the lagoon. 数以百计的鼬鲨聚集在环礁湖里。
clouds mustering in the sky 天空中密集的乌云

II n.
1. (军队等的)集合,集结;检阅
There was a muster of all the militiamen. 全体民兵进行了一次集合。
call out the troops to stand muster 召集部队接受检阅
2. 集会;(一)群,(一)批;孔雀群
last week's muster of heads of governments 上星期各国政府首脑的会晤
at a political muster 在一次政治性集会上
a muster of birds 一群鸟
a large muster of admirers 一大批仰慕者
a muster of biographical facts 一批传记资料
3. 澳新(牛、羊等的)赶拢
4. (军队或船员等的)花名册;清单(= muster roll)
call the muster 点名
5. 澳口集合的人员,人员总数
6. 样品
musters of goods for sale 供出售的货物样品
[< OFr moustrer < L monstrāre to show < monstrum portent, omen]
phr. muster in 征召…入伍
muster in recruits 招收新兵
He was mustered in at the age of eighteen. 他18岁应征入伍。
muster out 使退伍,使退役
He has been mustered out of service. 他已退役。
At the end of the war Henry was mustered out as an ensign. 战争结束时,亨利以海军少尉衔退伍。
pass muster 1. 通过检阅
2. 通过检验(或检查);被认为合格,被认为符合要求;被认为可以接受
Slipshod work would never pass muster. 草率的工作绝对经不起检验。
The American journalist passed muster with the slightly suspicious sentries. 这位美国记者在哨兵略带怀疑的目光下通过了检查。
With fashionable clothes and good make-up she might have passed muster. 她当时要是穿上时髦的衣服,再好好化妆一番,或许就会被认为合格了。
Such excuses will not pass muster with him. 这种借口在他面前是通不过的。




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