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muf·fle¹ /ˈmʌfl/ vt. | vi. | n. I ❶ vt. 1. (为保暖用头巾、围巾等)围裹,裹住;蒙住(up) muffle oneself up well 把自己裹得严严实实 She muffled her throat in a scarf. 她用围巾围住喉部。 Workers muffled to the ears were hurrying off to the factories. 把围巾裹到耳朵的工人们正急匆匆地去工厂上班。 He muffled his face and went to sleep. 他蒙住脸,睡着了。 2. 蒙住…的头使其不能出声(或看见东西) 3. 裹住(钟、鼓、马蹄、桨架等)使其声音低沉(或轻微) A gong can be muffled with cloth. 用布包住锣,锣声就会变得低沉。 4. 使(声音)低沉(或轻微);消灭(声音) We could hear the howling of wolves, muffled by forest and mist. 我们隔着森林和雾气,隐隐听到狼嚎声。 muffle the noises of the street 减轻街道的噪音 muffled foot steps 压低的脚步声 a muffled curse 低声的诅咒 They used a gag to muffle his cries. 他们用东西塞在他嘴里使他喊不出声音来。 5. 减弱(光线) Crimson curtains muffled the glare of sunshine. 深红色的窗帘使阳光不再那么耀眼。 6. 使(话语等)的意思含糊不清 muffle one's human-rights comments 对人权问题发表含糊其辞的意见 7. 抑制(感情等) make an effort to muffle one's feelings 努力控制自己的感情 ❷ vi. (用衣服等)裹住自己
II n. 1. 围裹物,蒙盖物 2. 低沉的声音,闷声 the muffle of distant thunder 远处沉闷的雷声 3. 〈废〉拳击手套 box without a muffle 不戴拳击手套拳击 4. 〈苏格兰〉连指手套,无指手套 5. 隔焰窑;(隔焰窑的)隔焰室 [< OFr mofler to stuff < moufle thick glove mitten] |